A Man Exits

"i escaped the horizon
feeling nothing was the easiest existence
leaving a world of regret in a wake of flames
no flame ever burned as bright
i will not leave a martyr
no more eyes to frame my falls
i can't live life for closed hearts
joy left me that day
pulled from my hands as they robbed me of life
i am leaving earth
burning the past as i turn and wave good-bye
i am finally alive"

Mirror lyrics:

i am finally alive"
burning the past as i turn and wave good-bye
i am leaving earth
pulled from my hands as they robbed me of life
joy left me that day
i can't live life for closed hearts
no more eyes to frame my falls
i will not leave a martyr
no flame ever burned as bright
leaving a world of regret in a wake of flames
feeling nothing was the easiest existence
"i escaped the horizon

Relevant Tags:
AA MMan EExits an xits A aMn xEits z jan sxits zA jMan sExits Az Mjan Esxits q kan 3xits qA kMan 3Exits Aq Mkan E3xits s nan fxits
sA nMan fExits As Mnan Efxits w Maan rxits wA Mn rExits Aw Mna Erxits x Mzn 4xits xA Mzan 4Exits Ax Mazn E4xits Mqn dxits Mqan dExits
Maqn Edxits Msn wxits Msan wExits Masn Ewxits Mwn Exxits Mwan Eits Mawn Eixts Mxn Edits Mxan Maxn Exdits
Mann Ezits Ma Ezxits Man Exzits Mam Ecits Mamn Ecxits Manm Excits Mah Esits Mahn Manh Exsits Maj Exiits
Majn Exts Manj Extis Mab Exjts Mabn Exjits Manb Exijts Ex9ts Ex9its Exi9ts Exlts Exlits
Exilts Exots Exoits

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