Hopes Die Last
Six Years Home

Leave don't feel ashamed.

Run forever 'cause I just can't escape from this.

Don't be afraid
Run forever, don't mind about me,
Leave me here
Don't feel ashamed
Run forever 'cause I just can't escape from this...(together)

I'm out of words you say
It's gone to the stars together
We'll find a better place to fly away!

Just leave me here.
Run forever,
This is my last six years home
It's gone to the stars together
This is my last six years home
I'm out of words you say
It's gone to the stars together
This is my last six years!

Mirror lyrics:

This is my last six years!
It's gone to the stars together
I'm out of words you say
This is my last six years home
It's gone to the stars together
This is my last six years home
Run forever,
Just leave me here.

We'll find a better place to fly away!
It's gone to the stars together
I'm out of words you say

Run forever 'cause I just can't escape from this...(together)
Don't feel ashamed
Leave me here
Run forever, don't mind about me,
Don't be afraid

Run forever 'cause I just can't escape from this.

Leave don't feel ashamed.

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Swix Yhears Huome dix 6ears nome dSix 6Years nHome Sdix Y6ears Hnome eix uears bome eSix uYears bHome Seix Yuears Hbome xix 7ears gome
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Sjx Yeears Hkme Sjix Yars Hkome Sijx Yaers Hokme S9x Ysars H9me S9ix Ysears H9ome Si9x Yesars Ho9me Slx Y3ars H0me Slix Y3ears H0ome
Silx Ye3ars Ho0me Sox Yfars Hlme Soix Yfears Hlome Siox Yefars Holme Skx Yrars Hime Skix Yrears Hiome Sikx Yerars Hoime S8x Y4ars Homme
S8ix Y4ears Hoe Si8x Ye4ars Hoem Sux Ydars Hoje Suix Ydears Hojme Siux Yedars Homje Sixx Ywars Hoke Si Ywears Six Yewars Homke
Sid Yeaars Hone Sidx Yers Honme Sixd Yeras Homne Siz Yezrs Homee Sizx Yezars Hom Sixz Yeazrs Home

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