House Picture
Wanna Be Suddenly

So nonchalant
Hoping to find
Stories you hear
Taught to you in your mind
There's life to be lived
Days to be tasted
Gifts to be gived
Not to be wasted
Where are you now
I'm so far gone
Here in this light
That made me go blind
The sun's in my eyes
There's clouds in my mind
There's life to be lived
Days to be tasted
Not to be wasted
Where are you now ?

You're so far gone..
Here in the same boat that I've always been in
Don't wanna be suddenly
Here in the same boat that I've always been in
Don't wanna be suddenly
There's life to be lived
Days to be tasted
Gifts to be gived
Not to be wasted
Time is a friend
friend, you can't chase it
Chase it away, looking forgiveness
Where are you now ?
I'm so far gone...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm so far gone...
Where are you now ?
Chase it away, looking forgiveness
friend, you can't chase it
Time is a friend
Not to be wasted
Gifts to be gived
Days to be tasted
There's life to be lived
Don't wanna be suddenly
Here in the same boat that I've always been in
Don't wanna be suddenly
Here in the same boat that I've always been in
You're so far gone..

Where are you now ?
Not to be wasted
Days to be tasted
There's life to be lived
There's clouds in my mind
The sun's in my eyes
That made me go blind
Here in this light
I'm so far gone
Where are you now
Not to be wasted
Gifts to be gived
Days to be tasted
There's life to be lived
Taught to you in your mind
Stories you hear
Hoping to find
So nonchalant

Relevant Tags:
WWanna BBe SSuddenly anna e uddenly aWnna eB uSddenly aanna ve zuddenly aWanna vBe zSuddenly Waanna Bve Szuddenly
3anna ge wuddenly 3Wanna gBe wSuddenly W3anna Bge Swuddenly danna ne duddenly dWanna nBe dSuddenly Wdanna Bne Sduddenly
eanna he euddenly eWanna hBe eSuddenly Weanna Bhe Seuddenly sanna Bee xuddenly sWanna B xSuddenly Wsanna Be Sxuddenly
2anna Bs auddenly 2Wanna Bse aSuddenly W2anna Bes Sauddenly qanna B3 Suuddenly qWanna B3e Sddenly Wqanna Be3 Sdudenly
Bf Shddenly Wnna Bfe Shuddenly Wnana Bef Suhddenly Wznna Br S7ddenly Wzanna Bre S7uddenly Waznna Ber Su7ddenly
Wqnna B4 Skddenly B4e Skuddenly Waqnna Be4 Sukddenly Wsnna Bd Siddenly Bde Siuddenly Wasnna Bed Suiddenly
Wwnna Bw S8ddenly Wwanna Bwe S8uddenly Wawnna Bew Su8ddenly Wxnna Sjddenly Wxanna Sjuddenly Waxnna Sujddenly
Wannna Syddenly Wana Syuddenly Wanna Suyddenly Wamna Sudddenly Wamnna Sudenly Wanmna Suddenly
Wahna Suxdenly Wahnna Suxddenly Wanhna Sudxdenly Wajna Suedenly Wajnna Sueddenly Wanjna Sudedenly
Wabna Sufdenly Wabnna Sufddenly Wanbna Sudfdenly Surdenly Surddenly Wanan Sudrdenly
Wanma Sucdenly Sucddenly Wannma Sudcdenly Wanha Susdenly Susddenly Wannha Sudsdenly
Wanja Wannja Sudednly Wanba Sudxenly Wannba Suddxenly Wannaa Sudeenly Wann

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