House Picture
Raining Stones

Fade into day
It's a marvel of opium grey
I can't feel a thing
My head's on a string
Being led by the hand of a stranger
Welcome to where ever else in the world that you are
Slow motion kodachrome people are waving from cars
Who do you think we are?
I know something 'bout us that you don't know
And I've found something out that I can't let show
Now the lines have grown into skin and bone
And it's raining stones

But I can't feel them
Two you and me
When we walk into town we are three
The cold city smiles
I drift in denial
Of the distance that's standing between us
Biting the hands of the people who feed us with care
Waking up shouting at someone when no-one is there
It's not that I'm scared of myself

Mirror lyrics:

It's not that I'm scared of myself
Waking up shouting at someone when no-one is there
Biting the hands of the people who feed us with care
Of the distance that's standing between us
I drift in denial
The cold city smiles
When we walk into town we are three
Two you and me
But I can't feel them

And it's raining stones
Now the lines have grown into skin and bone
And I've found something out that I can't let show
I know something 'bout us that you don't know
Who do you think we are?
Slow motion kodachrome people are waving from cars
Welcome to where ever else in the world that you are
Being led by the hand of a stranger
My head's on a string
I can't feel a thing
It's a marvel of opium grey
Fade into day

Relevant Tags:
RRaining SStones aining tones aRining tSones daining ztones dRaining zStones Rdaining Sztones 4aining wtones 4Raining wStones
R4aining Swtones gaining dtones gRaining dStones Rgaining Sdtones taining etones tRaining eStones Rtaining Setones 5aining xtones
5Raining xStones R5aining Sxtones faining atones fRaining aStones Rfaining Satones eaining Sttones eRaining Sones Reaining Sotnes
Raaining Sfones Rining Sftones Rianing Stfones Rzining S5ones Rzaining S5tones Razining St5ones Rqining Shones Rqaining Shtones
Raqining Sthones Rsining Syones Rsaining Sytones Rasining Styones Rwining S6ones Rwaining S6tones Rawining St6ones Rxining Sgones
Rxaining Sgtones Raxining Stgones Raiining Srones Raning Srtones Raniing Strones Rajning Stoones Rajining Stnes Raijning Stnoes
Ra9ning Stknes Ra9ining Stkones Rai9ning Stoknes Ralning St9nes Ralining St9ones Railning Sto9nes Raoning St0nes Raoining St0ones
Raioning Sto0nes Rakning Stlnes Rakining Stlones Raikning Stolnes Ra8ning Stines Ra8ining Stiones Rai8ning Stoines Rauning Stonnes
Rauining Stoes Raiuning Stoens Rainning Stomes Raiing Stomnes

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