It's Already Written Part 2

Do U hear the thunder? (The thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)

Mirror lyrics:

And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
And heaven do U hear the thunder (The thunder, thunder)
That?s the sound of the all mighty god
Do U hear the thunder? (The thunder)

Relevant Tags:
IIt's AAlready WWritten PPart 22 t's lready ritten art tI's lAready rWitten aPrt 2 jt's zlready aritten 0art 3 jIt's zAlready aWritten 0Part 32
Ijt's Azlready Waritten P0art 23 9t's qlready 3ritten lart q 9It's qAlready 3Written lPart q2 I9t's Aqlready W3ritten Plart 2q lt's slready dritten oart w
lIt's sAlready dWritten oPart w2 Ilt's Aslready Wdritten Poart 2w ot's wlready eritten Paart 1 oIt's wAlready eWritten Prt 12 Iot's Awlready Weritten Prat 21
kt's xlready sritten Pzrt kIt's xAlready sWritten Pzart Ikt's Axlready Wsritten Pazrt 8t's Allready 2ritten Pqrt 8It's Aready 2Written Pqart
I8t's Arleady W2ritten Paqrt ut's Akready qritten Psrt uIt's Aklready qWritten Psart Iut's Alkready Wqritten Pasrt Itt's Aoready Wrritten Pwrt
I's Aolready Witten Pwart I'ts Aloready Wirtten Pawrt If's Apready Wditten Pxrt Ift's Aplready Pxart Itf's Alpready Wrditten Paxrt
I5's Alrready W4itten Parrt I5t's Aleady W4ritten Pat It5's Alerady Wr4itten Patr Ih's Aldeady Wgitten Padt Iht's Aldready Wgritten Padrt
Ith's Alrdeady Wrgitten Pardt Iy's Al4eady Wtitten Pa4t Iyt's Al4ready Wtritten Pa4rt Ity's Alr4eady Wrtitten Par4t I6's Algeady W5itten Pagt
I6t's Algready W5ritten Pagrt It6's Alrgeady Wr5itten Pargt Ig's Alteady Wfitten Patt Igt's Altready Wfritten Patrt Itg's Alrteady Wrfitten Partt
Ir's Al5eady Weitten Pa5t Irt's Al5ready Pa5rt Itr's Alr5eady Wreitten Par5t It''s Alfeady Wriitten Paft Its Alfready Wrtten Pafrt
Its' Alrfeady Wrtiten Parft It'ss Aleeady Wrjtten Paet It' Aleready Wrjitten Paert It's Alreeady Wrijtten Paret It'z Wr9tten
It'zs Alrady Wr9itten Par It'sz Alraedy Wri9tten Part It'w Alrsady Wrltten Parf It'ws Alrseady Wrlitten It'sw Alresady Wriltten Partf
It'd Alr3ady Wrotten Par5 It'ds Alr3eady Wroitten It'sd Alre3ady Wriotten Part5 It'e Alrfady Wrktten Parh It'es Wrkitten Parht
It'se Alrefady Wriktten Parth It'x Alrrady Wr8tten Pary It'xs Wr8itten Paryt It'sx Alrerady Wri8tten Party It'a Alr4ady Wrutten Par6
It'as Wruitten Par6t It'sa Alre4ady Wriutten Part6 Alrdady Writtten Parg

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