House Of Heroes
Something Of An Optimist

another day another night. i think she lost count at one
but never gave into doubt.
she closed her eyes. prayed every night and knew the signs were there.
with eyes to the sky she saw hope loud.
no sound. love rained down on her.
days just float on by and we're so occupied that we forgot to cry.
love shows it's face. amazing grace.
and everything's just fine.
sometimes i wonder "are you listening? do you really care?"
but prayers are answered in your time.
i'm learning faith. i'm learning trust. i know true happiness.
my father's going to heaven.
i'll see him. we'll smile.and i'll see you in heaven.

Mirror lyrics:

i'll see him. we'll smile.and i'll see you in heaven.
my father's going to heaven.
i'm learning faith. i'm learning trust. i know true happiness.
but prayers are answered in your time.
sometimes i wonder "are you listening? do you really care?"
and everything's just fine.
love shows it's face. amazing grace.
days just float on by and we're so occupied that we forgot to cry.
no sound. love rained down on her.
with eyes to the sky she saw hope loud.
she closed her eyes. prayed every night and knew the signs were there.
but never gave into doubt.
another day another night. i think she lost count at one

Relevant Tags:
SSomething OOf AAn OOptimist omething f n ptimist oSmething fO nA pOtimist zomething kf zn kptimist zSomething kOf zAn kOptimist Szomething Okf Azn Okptimist
womething 9f qn 9ptimist wSomething 9Of qAn 9Optimist Swomething O9f Aqn O9ptimist domething 0f sn 0ptimist dSomething 0Of sAn 0Optimist Sdomething O0f Asn O0ptimist
eomething lf wn lptimist eSomething lOf wAn lOptimist Seomething Olf Awn Olptimist xomething if xn iptimist xSomething iOf xAn iOptimist Sxomething Oif Axn Oiptimist
aomething Off Ann Opptimist aSomething O A Otimist Saomething Of An Otpimist Soomething Oc Am O0timist Smething Ocf Amn Smoething Ofc Anm Op0timist
Skmething Or Ah Oltimist Skomething Orf Ahn Sokmething Ofr Anh Opltimist S9mething Og Aj Ootimist S9omething Ogf Ajn Ooptimist So9mething Ofg Anj Opotimist
S0mething Ot Ab Opttimist S0omething Otf Abn Opimist So0mething Oft Anb Opitmist Slmething Ov Opfimist Slomething Ovf Opftimist Solmething Ofv Optfimist
Simething Od Op5imist Siomething Odf Op5timist Soimething Ofd Opt5imist Sommething Ophimist Soething Ophtimist Soemthing Opthimist
Sojething Opyimist Sojmething Opytimist Somjething Optyimist Sokething Op6imist Op6timist Somkething Opt6imist
Sonething Opgimist Sonmething Opgtimist Somnething Optgimist Someething Oprimist Somthing Oprtimist Somtehing Optrimist
Somsthing Optiimist Somsething Optmist Somesthing Optmiist Som3thing Optjmist Som3ething Optjimist Some3thing Optijmist
Somfthing Opt9mist Somfething Opt9imist Somefthing Opti9mist Somrthing Optlmist Somrething Optlimist Somerthing Optilmist
Som4thing Optomist Som4ething Optoimist Some4thing Optiomist Somdthing Optkmist Somdething Optkimist Somedthing Optikmist
Somwthing Opt8mist Somwething Opt8imist Somewthing Opti8mist Sometthing Optumist Somehing Optuimist Somehting Optiumist
Somefhing Optimmist Optiist Sometfhing Optiimst Some5hing Optijist Some5thing Somet5hing Optimjist
Somehhing Optikist

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