House Of Heroes
Nobody Love's No One

i watched you from a distance. increasing space at your request.
dim light and narrow view. i watched this take control of you.
it hurts me to see you. your eyes spoke words you didn't dare.
you trusted what betrayed you.
it's gone and no one really cares at all.
said you've only got one time baby.
this time is only worth what you make of it.
the fractions in you i loved are vacant.
you need this? you got it.
say all the right things. hesitance consiquense.
cover it up. make sure you cover it up.
nobody knows you. nothing risked nothing gained.
he who pleads his case.
i can hardly see you through the cracks in the wall.
you wouldn't know a good thing if it pinned you to the ceiling.
you've got a simple problem. it's your problem. it's my problem.
what you want is now.

Mirror lyrics:

what you want is now.
you've got a simple problem. it's your problem. it's my problem.
you wouldn't know a good thing if it pinned you to the ceiling.
i can hardly see you through the cracks in the wall.
he who pleads his case.
nobody knows you. nothing risked nothing gained.
cover it up. make sure you cover it up.
say all the right things. hesitance consiquense.
you need this? you got it.
the fractions in you i loved are vacant.
this time is only worth what you make of it.
said you've only got one time baby.
it's gone and no one really cares at all.
you trusted what betrayed you.
it hurts me to see you. your eyes spoke words you didn't dare.
dim light and narrow view. i watched this take control of you.
i watched you from a distance. increasing space at your request.

Relevant Tags:
NNobody LLove's NNo OOne obody ove's o ne oNbody oLve's oN nOe mobody kove's mo kne mNobody kLove's mNo kOne Nmobody Lkove's Nmo Okne
hobody oove's ho 9ne hNobody oLove's hNo 9One Nhobody Loove's Nho O9ne jobody pove's jo 0ne jNobody pLove's jNo 0One Njobody Lpove's Njo O0ne
bobody bo lne bNobody Lve's bNo lOne Nbobody Lvoe's Nbo Olne Noobody Lkve's Noo ine Nbody N iOne Nboody Lokve's No Oine
Nkbody L9ve's Nk Onne Nkobody L9ove's Nko Oe Nokbody Lo9ve's Nok Oen N9body L0ve's N9 Ome N9obody L0ove's N9o Omne No9body Lo0ve's No9 Onme
N0body Llve's N0 Ohe N0obody Llove's N0o Ohne No0body Lolve's No0 Onhe Nlbody Live's Nl Oje Nlobody Liove's Nlo Ojne Nolbody Loive's Nol Onje
Nibody Lovve's Ni Obe Niobody Loe's Nio Obne Noibody Loev's Noi Onbe Nobbody Lobe's Onee Noody Lobve's On Noobdy Lovbe's One
Novody Loce's Ons Novbody Locve's Onse Nobvody Lovce's Ones Nogody Loge's On3 Nogbody Logve's On3e Nobgody Lovge's One3
Nonody Lofe's Onf Nonbody Lofve's Onfe Nobnody Lovfe's Onef Nohody Lovee's Onr Nohbody Lov's Onre Nobhody Lov'es Oner
Noboody Lovs's On4 Nobdy Lovse's On4e Nobdoy Loves's One4 Nobkdy Lov3's Ond Nobkody Lov3e's Onde Nobokdy Love3's Oned
Nob9dy Lovf's Onw Nob9ody Onwe

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