House Heroes
Make A Face Like You Mean It (vampires)

Don't bother to show integrity,
it never sells on the market.
Chain all the world down.
Don't fuss with your creativity,
they never asked for an artist.
Take all the heart out.
All the kids want to rock,
but they don't want to sit through another boring chorus.
One or two at the top might give you a shot,
but they don't want to risk any losses.
Take all the heart out.

The vampires want you blood.
You can't always get what you want, but they do.
You can't always get what you want, but they know:
the truth is what they want it to be.

Drop by drop.
The camera flash casts shadows from their egos.
Sing a song like you wrote it.
Puppets don't think, puppets just dance.
Make a face like you mean it.

Mirror lyrics:

Make a face like you mean it.
Puppets don't think, puppets just dance.
Sing a song like you wrote it.
The camera flash casts shadows from their egos.
Drop by drop.

the truth is what they want it to be.
You can't always get what you want, but they know:
You can't always get what you want, but they do.
The vampires want you blood.

Take all the heart out.
but they don't want to risk any losses.
One or two at the top might give you a shot,
but they don't want to sit through another boring chorus.
All the kids want to rock,
Take all the heart out.
they never asked for an artist.
Don't fuss with your creativity,
Chain all the world down.
it never sells on the market.
Don't bother to show integrity,

Relevant Tags:
MMake AA FFace LLike YYou MMean IIt ((vampires) ake ace ike ou ean t vampires) aMke A aFce iLke oYu eMan tI v(ampires)
jake z cace kike gou jean jt (vvampires) jMake zA cFace kLike gYou jMean jIt (ampires) Mjake Az Fcace Lkike Ygou Mjean Ijt (avmpires)
kake q race oike hou kean 9t (bampires) kMake qA rFace oLike hYou kMean 9It (bvampires) Mkake Aq Frace Loike Yhou Mkean I9t (vbampires)
nake s gace pike 6ou nean lt (campires) nMake sA gFace pLike 6You nMean lIt (cvampires) Mnake As Fgace Lpike Y6ou Mnean Ilt (vcampires)
Maake w tace Liike uou Meean ot (gampires) Mke wA tFace Lke uYou Man oIt (gvampires) Mkae Aw Ftace Lkie Yuou Maen Iot (vgampires)
Mzke x vace Ljke 7ou Msan kt (fampires) Mzake xA vFace Ljike 7You Msean kIt (fvampires) Mazke Ax Fvace Lijke Y7ou Mesan Ikt (vfampires)
Mqke dace L9ke jou M3an 8t (vaampires) Mqake dFace L9ike jYou M3ean 8It (vmpires) Maqke Fdace Li9ke Yjou Me3an I8t (vmapires)
Mske Faace Llke tou Mfan ut (vzmpires) Msake Fce Llike tYou Mfean uIt (vzampires) Maske Fcae Lilke Ytou Mefan Iut (vazmpires)
Mwke Fzce Loke Yoou Mran Itt (vqmpires) Mwake Fzace Yu Mrean I (vqampires) Mawke Fazce Lioke Yuo Meran It (vaqmpires)
Mxke Fqce Lkke Yku M4an If (vsmpires) Mxake Fqace Ykou M4ean Ift (vsampires) Maxke Faqce Likke Yoku Me4an Itf (vasmpires)
Makke Fsce L8ke Y9u Mdan I5 (vwmpires) Mae Fsace L8ike Y9ou Mdean I5t (vwampires) Maek Fasce Li8ke Yo9u Medan It5 (vawmpires)
Male Fwce Luke Y0u Mwan Ih (vxmpires) Malke Fwace Luike Y0ou Mwean Iht (vxampires) Makle Fawce Liuke Yo0u Mewan Ith (vaxmpires)
Maoe Fxce Ylu Meaan Iy (vammpires) Maoke Fxace Lie Ylou Men Iyt (vapires) Makoe Faxce Liek Yolu Mena Ity (vapmires)
Mame Facce Lile Yiu Mezn I6 (vajpires) Mamke Fae Yiou Mezan I6t (vajmpires) Makme Faec Likle Yoiu Meazn It6 (vamjpires)
Maje Fafe Lioe Youu Meqn Ig (vakpires) Majke Fafce Yo Meqan Igt (vakmpires) Makje Facfe Likoe You Meaqn Itg (vamkpires)
Maie Faxe Lime Yoh Mesn Ir (vanpires) Maike Limke Yohu Irt (vanmpires) Makie Facxe Likme Youh Measn Itr (vamnpires)
Makee Fave Lije Yo7 Mewn (vamppires) Mak Favce Yo7u (vamires) Make Facve Likje You7 Meawn (vamipres)
Maks Fade Liie Yok Mexn (vam0ires) Makse Fadce Mexan (vam0pires) Makes Facde Likie Youk Meaxn (vamp0ires)
Mak3 Facee Likee Yoi Meann (vamlires) Mak3e Fac Lik Mea (vamlpires) Make3 Face Like Youi Mean (vamplires)
Makf Facs Liks Yo8 Meam (vamoires) Makfe Facse Likse Yo8u Meamn (vamopires) Makef Faces Likes You8 Meanm (vampoires)
Makr Fac3 Lik3 Yoj Meah (vampiires) Makre Fac3e Lik3e Yoju Meahn (vampres) Maker Face3 Like3 Youj Meanh (vampries)
Mak4 Facf Likf Yoy Meaj (vampjres) Mak4e Likfe Yoyu Meajn (vampjires) Make4 Facef Likef Youy Meanj (vampijres)
Makd Facr Likr Meab (vamp9res) Makde Facre Likre Meabn (vamp9ires) Maked Facer Liker Meanb (vampi9res)
Makw Fac4 Lik4 (vamplres) Makwe Fac4e Lik4e Makew Face4 Like4 (vampilres)
Facd Likd (vampores)

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