Hot Water Music
Rest Assured

even though you won't see what i'm seeing
i would love for you to feel what i'm feeling-
the impact and the ease after rest assured
the pain will fade right outside the inspiration is told
i'll carry on
what i know that is what i need for my sickness-
a transition to new medium breakaway from the world
and stick to rhythm rest assured the pain will fade
if i don't walk blindside
i'll roll right if i hold sight
i'll roll right
i'm sure we see that same way
just not from the same place
i need a medium
i need a balance

Mirror lyrics:

i need a balance
i need a medium
just not from the same place
i'm sure we see that same way
i'll roll right
i'll roll right if i hold sight
if i don't walk blindside
and stick to rhythm rest assured the pain will fade
a transition to new medium breakaway from the world
what i know that is what i need for my sickness-
i'll carry on
the pain will fade right outside the inspiration is told
the impact and the ease after rest assured
i would love for you to feel what i'm feeling-
even though you won't see what i'm seeing

Relevant Tags:
RRest AAssured est ssured eRst sAsured dest zssured dRest zAssured Rdest Azssured 4est qssured 4Rest qAssured R4est Aqssured
gest sssured gRest sAssured Rgest Asssured test wssured tRest wAssured Rtest Awssured 5est xssured 5Rest xAssured R5est Axssured
fest fRest Asured Rfest Assured eest Azsured eRest Reest Aszsured Awsured Rst Rset Aswsured
Rsst Adsured Rsest Adssured Resst Asdsured R3st Aesured R3est Aessured Re3st Asesured Rfst Axsured Refst Asxsured Rrst Aasured
Rrest Aassured Rerst Asasured R4st Re4st Asusred Rdst Aszured Redst Asszured Rwst Aswured Rwest Rewst Asswured
Asdured Ret Rets Assdured Rezt Aseured Rezst Reszt Asseured Rewt Asxured Reswt Assxured Redt Asaured
Resdt Assaured Reet Assuured Assred Reset Assrued Rext Asshred Rexst Asshured

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