Hot Water Music
No One

There's a way you had,
About your life,
That touched the hearts
Of everyone.
Now you're gone and we'll move on,
To carry the love we shared.

And I'm not so sure
They understood
Just what you gave
And what you paid.
Too much to realize
Or know the difference that it made.

No one could ever say that things
Would all turn out this way
No one could ever know the road
That led you where you are today

Countless words are left on shelves,
Intended for no-one but you.
I'm taxing my mind with the time inbetween
That gets spent carelessly.
We can't get it back
Just like you
It has fallen through,
Fallen through the cracks.

No one could ever say that things
Would all turn out this way

No one could ever say that things
Would all turn out this way

No one could ever know the road
That led you where you are today

Mirror lyrics:

That led you where you are today
No one could ever know the road

Would all turn out this way
No one could ever say that things

Would all turn out this way
No one could ever say that things

Fallen through the cracks.
It has fallen through,
Just like you
We can't get it back
That gets spent carelessly.
I'm taxing my mind with the time inbetween
Intended for no-one but you.
Countless words are left on shelves,

That led you where you are today
No one could ever know the road
Would all turn out this way
No one could ever say that things

Or know the difference that it made.
Too much to realize
And what you paid.
Just what you gave
They understood
And I'm not so sure

To carry the love we shared.
Now you're gone and we'll move on,
Of everyone.
That touched the hearts
About your life,
There's a way you had,

Relevant Tags:
NNo OOne o ne oN nOe mo kne mNo kOne Nmo Okne ho 9ne hNo 9One Nho O9ne jo 0ne jNo 0One
Njo O0ne bo lne bNo lOne Nbo Olne Noo ine N iOne No Oine Nk Onne Nko Oe Nok Oen N9 Ome
N9o Omne No9 Onme N0 Ohe N0o Ohne No0 Onhe Nl Oje Nlo Ojne

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