Hot Water Music
A Clear Line

Do you know what you're fighting for?
Have you the burn of the aching for something different, something spiritually
Understood in every way.
Hard face, no shine, hard heart with a narrow mind.
Blank and shallow, lacking color, lacking faith that there is another way to live,
way to breathe, way to walk, a way to see.
Not in alliance, but in defiance of the hatred we're taught to breed.
I see a clear line drawn, a generation that's gone wrong.
Have you found what you're looking for?
Have you the burn or the lack there of, for something different,
something you're meant to be? go you know what you're looking for?
I see a clear line drawn, a generation all gone wrong.
I see a back that's turned to what we're searching for.
What you're taught and what we're beckoned to is not absolute,
so why follow what we don't know?
You are your own, weighted and balancing, judgement of truth when the ego is let go.

Mirror lyrics:

You are your own, weighted and balancing, judgement of truth when the ego is let go.
so why follow what we don't know?
What you're taught and what we're beckoned to is not absolute,
I see a back that's turned to what we're searching for.
I see a clear line drawn, a generation all gone wrong.
something you're meant to be? go you know what you're looking for?
Have you the burn or the lack there of, for something different,
Have you found what you're looking for?
I see a clear line drawn, a generation that's gone wrong.
Not in alliance, but in defiance of the hatred we're taught to breed.
way to breathe, way to walk, a way to see.
Blank and shallow, lacking color, lacking faith that there is another way to live,
Hard face, no shine, hard heart with a narrow mind.
Understood in every way.
Have you the burn of the aching for something different, something spiritually
Do you know what you're fighting for?

Relevant Tags:
AA CClear LLine lear ine A lCear iLne z flear kine zA fClear kLine Az Cflear Lkine q xlear oine qA xClear oLine Aq Cxlear Loine
s vlear pine sA vClear pLine As Cvlear Lpine w dlear Liine wA dClear Lne Aw Cdlear Lnie x Cllear Ljne xA Cear Ljine Ax Celar Lijne
Ckear L9ne Cklear L9ine Clkear Li9ne Coear Llne Colear Lline Cloear Lilne Cpear Lone Cplear Clpear Lione
Cleear Lkne Clar Claer Likne Clsar L8ne Clsear L8ine Clesar Li8ne Cl3ar Lune Cl3ear Luine Cle3ar Liune
Clfar Linne Clfear Lie Clefar Lien Clrar Lime Clrear Limne Clerar Linme Cl4ar Lihe Cl4ear Lihne Cle4ar Linhe
Cldar Lije

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