Hot Tuna
New Song (for The Morning)

Looked outside my window

Fog came up to play

That gray outside is around my head

Looks like it's there to stay

Looks like it's there to stay

Looks like it's there to stay

Can't you see I love you

I want you more and more

I see you here most every day

I don't know where you are

I don't know where you are

Time goes on and I get older

What am I going to do?

My mirror face keeps getting colder

My eyes still look for you

My eyes still look for you, now

Said my eyes still look for you

Sun came out this morning

Highway showed my way

Cracks in the sand pulled me into the sea

Washed my cares away

Washed my cares away

Washed my cares away

You know I want to touch you

My back end gives me pain

Your smile releases all my life

Like flowers under rain

Like flowers under rain

We start to live again

Mirror lyrics:

We start to live again

Like flowers under rain

Like flowers under rain

Your smile releases all my life

My back end gives me pain

You know I want to touch you

Washed my cares away

Washed my cares away

Washed my cares away

Cracks in the sand pulled me into the sea

Highway showed my way

Sun came out this morning

Said my eyes still look for you

My eyes still look for you, now

My eyes still look for you

My mirror face keeps getting colder

What am I going to do?

Time goes on and I get older

I don't know where you are

I don't know where you are

I see you here most every day

I want you more and more

Can't you see I love you

Looks like it's there to stay

Looks like it's there to stay

Looks like it's there to stay

That gray outside is around my head

Fog came up to play

Looked outside my window

Relevant Tags:
NNew SSong ((for TThe MMorning) ew ong for he orning) eNw oSng f(or hTe oMrning) mew zong (ffor fhe jorning) mNew zSong (or fThe jMorning)
Nmew Szong (ofr Tfhe Mjorning) hew wong (cor 5he korning) hNew wSong (cfor 5The kMorning) Nhew Swong (fcor T5he Mkorning) jew dong (ror hhe norning)
jNew dSong (rfor hThe nMorning) Njew Sdong (fror Thhe Mnorning) bew eong (gor yhe Moorning) bNew eSong (gfor yThe Mrning) Nbew Seong (fgor Tyhe Mroning)
Neew xong (tor 6he Mkrning) Nw xSong (tfor 6The Nwe Sxong (ftor T6he Mokrning) Nsw aong (vor ghe M9rning) Nsew aSong (vfor gThe M9orning)
Nesw Saong (fvor Tghe Mo9rning) N3w Soong (dor rhe M0rning) N3ew Sng (dfor rThe M0orning) Ne3w Snog (fdor Trhe Mo0rning) Nfw Skng (foor Mlrning)
Nfew Skong (fr Te Mlorning) Nefw Sokng (fro Teh Molrning) Nrw S9ng (fkr Tje Mirning) Nrew S9ong (fkor Tjhe Miorning) Nerw So9ng (fokr Thje Moirning)
N4w S0ng (f9r Tue Morrning) N4ew S0ong (f9or Tuhe Moning) Ne4w So0ng (fo9r Thue Monring) Ndw Slng (f0r Tne Modning) Ndew Slong (f0or Tnhe Modrning)
Nedw Solng (fo0r Thne Mordning) Nww Sing (flr Tbe Mo4ning) Nwew Siong (flor Tbhe Mo4rning) Neww Soing (folr Thbe Mor4ning) Sonng (fir Tge Mogning)
Ne Sog (fior Mogrning) New Sogn (foir Thge Morgning) Nea Somg (forr Tye Motning) Neaw Somng (fo Motrning) Newa Sonmg (for Thye Mortning)
Ne3 Sohg (fod Thee Mo5ning) Sohng (fodr Th Mo5rning) New3 Sonhg (ford The Mor5ning) Ned Sojg (fo4 Ths Mofning) Sojng (fo4r Thse Mofrning)
Newd Sonjg (for4 Thes Morfning) Nee Sobg (fog Th3 Moening) Sobng (fogr Th3e Moerning) Newe Sonbg (forg The3 Morening) Nes Songg (fot Thf Mornning)
Son (fotr Thfe Moring) News Song (fort Thef Morinng) Ne2 Sonh (fo5 Thr Morming) Ne2w (fo5r Thre Mormning) New2 Songh (for5 Ther Mornming)
Neq Sony (fof Th4 Morhing) Neqw Sonyg (fofr Th4e Morhning) Newq Songy (forf The4 Mornhing) Sonb (foe Thd Morjing)

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