Hot Water Music
A Flight And A Crash

Here's one of time passed of a flight and a crash, over and again,
In Boulder and San Francisco, a halfway house pack home
Back out of his head.
Out searching, for the escape. for an answer, or a reason that his poison has deleted,
Anything worth all that's wasted now,
finds no difference where he's standing 'cause he's standing with a shotgun and a needle.
Arms reaching and head pounding from the screaming.
Says: "I don't know what I am doing anymore.
I raced all night again, I just want it over."
Heart racing.
Head pounding from the screaming.
Heart racing now

Mirror lyrics:

Heart racing now
Head pounding from the screaming.
Heart racing.
I raced all night again, I just want it over."
Says: "I don't know what I am doing anymore.
Arms reaching and head pounding from the screaming.
finds no difference where he's standing 'cause he's standing with a shotgun and a needle.
Anything worth all that's wasted now,
Out searching, for the escape. for an answer, or a reason that his poison has deleted,
Back out of his head.
In Boulder and San Francisco, a halfway house pack home
Here's one of time passed of a flight and a crash, over and again,

Relevant Tags:
AA FFlight AAnd AA CCrash light nd rash A lFight nAd A rCash z clight znd z frash zA cFlight zAnd zA fCrash Az Fclight Aznd Az Cfrash
q rlight qnd q xrash qA rFlight qAnd qA xCrash Aq Frlight Aqnd Aq Cxrash s glight snd s vrash sA gFlight sAnd sA vCrash As Fglight Asnd As Cvrash
w tlight wnd w drash wA tFlight wAnd wA dCrash Aw Ftlight Awnd Aw Cdrash x vlight xnd x Crrash xA vFlight xAnd xA Cash Ax Fvlight Axnd Ax Carsh
dlight Annd Cdash dFlight Ad Fdlight Adn Crdash Fllight Amd C4ash Fight Amnd C4rash Filght Anmd Cr4ash
Fkight Ahd Cgash Fklight Ahnd Cgrash Flkight Anhd Crgash Foight Ajd Ctash Folight Ajnd Ctrash Floight Anjd Crtash
Fpight Abd C5ash Fplight Abnd C5rash Flpight Anbd Cr5ash Fliight Andd Cfash Flght An Flgiht And Crfash
Fljght Anx Ceash Fljight Anxd Cerash Flijght Andx Creash Fl9ght Ane Craash Fl9ight Aned Crsh Fli9ght Ande Crsah
Fllght Anf Crzsh Anfd Crzash Flilght Andf Crazsh Floght Anr Crqsh Anrd Crqash Flioght Andr Craqsh
Flkght Anc Crssh Ancd Crsash Flikght Andc Crassh Fl8ght Ans Crwsh Fl8ight Ansd Crwash Fli8ght Ands Crawsh
Flught Crxsh Fluight Crxash Fliught Craxsh

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