Hank Williams Sr.
Sometimes Late At Night

(e) sometimes late at night,
When our (a) friends are fast a- (e) sleep,
You say you'd like to take a stroll with (b7) me,
Tho (e) we are wed to others, and (a) it may not be (e) right,
I have (a) longed to hold you (e) in my arms,
(b7) sometimes late at (e) night.


I've (a) cried myself to sleep,
A (e) thousand times or more,
But when I dream of you, my heart is (b7) light,
No (e) matter what our friends may (e7) say,
And (a) it may not be (e) right,
I (a) love you so, you (e) know I'll go,
(b7) sometimes late at (e) night.

Repeat chorus.

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat chorus.

(b7) sometimes late at (e) night.
I (a) love you so, you (e) know I'll go,
And (a) it may not be (e) right,
No (e) matter what our friends may (e7) say,
But when I dream of you, my heart is (b7) light,
A (e) thousand times or more,
I've (a) cried myself to sleep,


(b7) sometimes late at (e) night.
I have (a) longed to hold you (e) in my arms,
Tho (e) we are wed to others, and (a) it may not be (e) right,
You say you'd like to take a stroll with (b7) me,
When our (a) friends are fast a- (e) sleep,
(e) sometimes late at night,

Relevant Tags:
SSometimes LLate AAt NNight ometimes ate t ight oSmetimes aLte tA iNght zometimes kate zt might zSometimes kLate zAt mNight Szometimes Lkate Azt Nmight
wometimes oate qt hight wSometimes oLate qAt hNight Swometimes Loate Aqt Nhight dometimes pate st jight dSometimes pLate sAt jNight Sdometimes Lpate Ast Njight
eometimes Laate wt bight eSometimes Lte wAt bNight Seometimes Ltae Awt Nbight xometimes Lzte xt Niight xSometimes Lzate xAt Nght Sxometimes Lazte Axt Ngiht
aometimes Lqte Att Njght aSometimes Lqate A Saometimes Laqte At Nijght Soometimes Lste Af N9ght Smetimes Lsate Aft N9ight Smoetimes Laste Atf Ni9ght
Skmetimes Lwte A5 Nlght Skometimes Lwate A5t Nlight Sokmetimes Lawte At5 Nilght S9metimes Lxte Ah Noght S9ometimes Lxate Aht Noight So9metimes Laxte Ath Nioght
S0metimes Latte Ay Nkght S0ometimes Lae Ayt Nkight So0metimes Laet Aty Nikght Slmetimes Lafe A6 N8ght Slometimes Lafte A6t N8ight Solmetimes Latfe At6 Ni8ght
Simetimes La5e Ag Nught Siometimes La5te Agt Nuight Soimetimes Lat5e Atg Niught Sommetimes Lahe Ar Nigght Soetimes Lahte Art Niht Soemtimes Lathe Atr Nihgt
Sojetimes Laye Nihht Sojmetimes Layte Nihght Somjetimes Latye Nighht Soketimes La6e Niyht La6te Niyght Somketimes Lat6e Nigyht
Sonetimes Lage Nibht Sonmetimes Lagte Nibght Somnetimes Latge Nigbht Someetimes Lare Nivht Somtimes Larte Nivght Somteimes Latre Nigvht
Somstimes Latee Nifht Somsetimes Lat Nifght Somestimes Late Nigfht Som3times Lats Nitht Som3etimes Latse Nitght Some3times Lates Nigtht
Somftimes Lat3 Somfetimes Lat3e Nigt Someftimes Late3 Nigth Somrtimes Latf Nigjt Somretimes Nigjht Somertimes Latef Nighjt
Som4times Latr Nigut Som4etimes Niguht Some4times Later Nighut Somdtimes Lat4 Nignt Somdetimes Lat4e Nignht Somedtimes Late4 Nighnt
Somwtimes Latd Nigbt Somwetimes Latde Somewtimes Lated Nighbt Somettimes Latw Niggt Someimes Latwe Someitmes Latew Nighgt
Somefimes Nigyt Sometfimes Nighyt Some5imes Nightt Some5times Nigh Somet5imes Night Somehimes Nighf
Somehtimes Nighft

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