Hans Zimmer
I've Got My Eye On You

I know your scared
and i know what youve been through
look in my eyes
can you see im frightened too
so lets take one step at a time

i wont give up
thats one thing i swer will be true
for its said by the wise
keep your eyes on the prize
and ive got my eyes on you

its hard to trust
when youve been misunderstood
but starting now
well be treated like we should
so lets take this right til its true

i wont give up
thats one thing i swer will be true
and i wont give in
im stronger than they ever knew
dont try to run
cause ill just be there when you do
for its said by the wise
keep your eyes on the prize
and ive got my eyes on you

i wont give up
thats one thing i swer will be true
for its said by the wise
keep your eyes on the prize
and i kept my eyes on you

Mirror lyrics:

and i kept my eyes on you
keep your eyes on the prize
for its said by the wise
thats one thing i swer will be true
i wont give up

and ive got my eyes on you
keep your eyes on the prize
for its said by the wise
cause ill just be there when you do
dont try to run
im stronger than they ever knew
and i wont give in
thats one thing i swer will be true
i wont give up

so lets take this right til its true
well be treated like we should
but starting now
when youve been misunderstood
its hard to trust

and ive got my eyes on you
keep your eyes on the prize
for its said by the wise
thats one thing i swer will be true
i wont give up

so lets take one step at a time
can you see im frightened too
look in my eyes
and i know what youve been through
I know your scared

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot MMy EEye OOn YYou 've ot y ye n ou 'Ive oGt yM yEe nO oYu j've hot jy sye kn gou jI've hGot jMy sEye kOn gYou Ij've Ghot Mjy Esye Okn Ygou
9've yot ky 3ye 9n hou 9I've yGot kMy 3Eye 9On hYou I9've Gyot Mky E3ye O9n Yhou l've bot ny fye 0n 6ou lI've bGot nMy fEye 0On 6You Il've Gbot Mny Efye O0n Y6ou
o've vot Myy rye ln uou oI've vGot M rEye lOn uYou Io've Gvot My Erye Oln Yuou k've fot Mg 4ye in 7ou kI've fGot Mgy 4Eye iOn 7You Ik've Gfot Myg E4ye Oin Y7ou
8've tot Mh dye Onn jou 8I've tGot Mhy dEye O jYou I8've Gtot Myh Edye On Yjou u've Goot M6 wye Om tou uI've Gt M6y wEye Omn tYou Iu've Gto My6 Ewye Onm Ytou
I''ve Gkt Mu Eyye Oh Yoou Ive Gkot Muy Ee Ohn Yu Iv'e Gokt Myu Eey Onh Yuo I'vve G9t M7 Ege Oj Yku I'e G9ot M7y Egye Ojn Ykou I'ev Go9t My7 Eyge Onj Yoku
I'be G0t Mj Ehe Ob Y9u I'bve G0ot Ehye Obn Y9ou I'vbe Go0t Myj Eyhe Onb Yo9u I'ce Glt Mt E6e Y0u I'cve Glot Mty E6ye Y0ou I'vce Golt Myt Ey6e Yo0u

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