Fiddlers Green
Into The Darkness

Summer rain was falling and gave a promise of life
We felt the water on our skin
But then the light grew dim
And in the flickering twilight
We felt the shadow of fear
Cause we both knew that our days were counted
No more time here

She bid me take life easy, as the leaves that grow on every tree
But I was young and foolish
With her would not agree

The wind blows right into my face
And wraps the pain
But there is something that tells me
That nothing, nothing's in vain

She's gone into the darkness
Gone into the darkness
Gone into the darkness
Gone into the darkness

And in my head there's a fire
That's still burning for you
An unforgotten desire
That's sometimes breaking through
And then the noise of the people cannot reach my ear
Cause there's a certain silence where we both meet

She's gone...

The wind...

She's gone...

Mirror lyrics:

She's gone...

The wind...

She's gone...

Cause there's a certain silence where we both meet
And then the noise of the people cannot reach my ear
That's sometimes breaking through
An unforgotten desire
That's still burning for you
And in my head there's a fire

Gone into the darkness
Gone into the darkness
Gone into the darkness
She's gone into the darkness

That nothing, nothing's in vain
But there is something that tells me
And wraps the pain
The wind blows right into my face

With her would not agree
But I was young and foolish
She bid me take life easy, as the leaves that grow on every tree

No more time here
Cause we both knew that our days were counted
We felt the shadow of fear
And in the flickering twilight
But then the light grew dim
We felt the water on our skin
Summer rain was falling and gave a promise of life

Relevant Tags:
IInto TThe DDarkness nto he arkness nIto hTe aDrkness jnto fhe xarkness jInto fThe xDarkness Ijnto Tfhe Dxarkness
9nto 5he earkness 9Into 5The eDarkness I9nto T5he Dearkness lnto hhe farkness lInto hThe fDarkness Ilnto Thhe Dfarkness
onto yhe rarkness oInto yThe rDarkness Ionto Tyhe Drarkness knto 6he carkness kInto 6The cDarkness Iknto T6he Dcarkness
8nto ghe sarkness 8Into gThe sDarkness I8nto Tghe Dsarkness unto rhe Daarkness uInto rThe Drkness Iunto Trhe Drakness
Innto Dzrkness Ito Te Dzarkness Itno Teh Dazrkness Imto Tje Dqrkness Imnto Tjhe Dqarkness Inmto Thje Daqrkness
Ihto Tue Dsrkness Ihnto Tuhe Inhto Thue Dasrkness Ijto Tne Dwrkness Tnhe Dwarkness Injto Thne Dawrkness
Ibto Tbe Dxrkness Ibnto Tbhe Inbto Thbe Daxrkness Intto Tge Darrkness Ino Dakness Inot Thge Dakrness
Info Tye Dadkness Infto Dadrkness Intfo Thye Dardkness In5o Thee Da4kness In5to Th Da4rkness Int5o The Dar4kness
Inho Ths Dagkness Thse Dagrkness Intho Thes Dargkness Inyo Th3 Datkness Inyto Th3e Datrkness Intyo The3 Dartkness
In6o Thf Da5kness In6to Thfe Da5rkness Int6o Thef Dar5kness Ingo Thr Dafkness Ingto Thre Dafrkness Intgo Ther Darfkness
Inro Th4 Daekness Inrto Th4e Daerkness Intro The4 Darekness Intoo Thd Darkkness Int Thde Darness Into Thed Darnkess
Intk Thw Darlness Intko Thwe Darlkness Intok Thew Darklness Int9 Daroness Int9o Darokness Into9 Darkoness
Int0 Darmness

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