Wholly To You

All I have, all I am
And all I ever hope to be
I give it all, all to You
Watch and see, I will be true

Lord Jesus, You are Holy
Lord Jesus, You are Mighty
And I give myself wholly to You

All I've said and all I've done
Has been erased by Your blood
And I am amazed by Your grace
I raise my hands and praise Your name

Now I stand alone before
You and Your kingdom, Lord
And I want to see Your blessing through
Less of me and more of You

Mirror lyrics:

Less of me and more of You
And I want to see Your blessing through
You and Your kingdom, Lord
Now I stand alone before

I raise my hands and praise Your name
And I am amazed by Your grace
Has been erased by Your blood
All I've said and all I've done

And I give myself wholly to You
Lord Jesus, You are Mighty
Lord Jesus, You are Holy

Watch and see, I will be true
I give it all, all to You
And all I ever hope to be
All I have, all I am

Relevant Tags:
WWholly TTo YYou holly o ou hWolly oT oYu aholly fo gou aWholly fTo gYou Waholly Tfo Ygou 3holly 5o hou 3Wholly 5To hYou W3holly T5o Yhou
dholly ho 6ou dWholly hTo 6You Wdholly Tho Y6ou eholly yo uou eWholly yTo uYou Weholly Tyo Yuou sholly 6o 7ou sWholly 6To 7You Wsholly T6o Y7ou
2holly go jou 2Wholly gTo jYou W2holly Tgo Yjou qholly ro tou qWholly rTo tYou Wqholly Tro Ytou Whholly Too Yoou Wolly T Yu Wohlly To Yuo
Wjolly Tk Yku Wjholly Tko Ykou Whjolly Tok Yoku Wuolly T9 Y9u Wuholly T9o Y9ou Whuolly To9 Yo9u Wnolly T0 Y0u Wnholly T0o Y0ou Whnolly To0 Yo0u
Wbolly Tl Ylu Wbholly Tlo Ylou Whbolly Tol Yolu Wgolly Ti Yiu Wgholly Tio Yiou Whgolly Toi Yoiu Wyolly Youu Wyholly Yo Whyolly You
Whoolly Yoh Whlly Yohu Whloly Youh Whklly Yo7 Whkolly Yo7u Whoklly You7

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