Merciful Rain

Let the Holy Spirit come over you now
As the healing rain falls from the clouds
There is nothing you can do to deserve it
You don't have to earn His love
Let the rain fall from above

Merciful rain falls over the children
Merciful rain falls over the children
Merciful rain falls over the children of God
Over the children of God
Merciful rain falls

See the Holy Dove descending over you now
Feel the Living Water cleansing your soul
In the name of Jesus you have been forgiven
You have been redeemed forever
Fix your eyes on Heaven

Mirror lyrics:

Fix your eyes on Heaven
You have been redeemed forever
In the name of Jesus you have been forgiven
Feel the Living Water cleansing your soul
See the Holy Dove descending over you now

Merciful rain falls
Over the children of God
Merciful rain falls over the children of God
Merciful rain falls over the children
Merciful rain falls over the children

Let the rain fall from above
You don't have to earn His love
There is nothing you can do to deserve it
As the healing rain falls from the clouds
Let the Holy Spirit come over you now

Relevant Tags:
MMerciful RRain erciful ain eMrciful aRin jerciful dain jMerciful dRain Mjerciful Rdain kerciful 4ain kMerciful 4Rain Mkerciful R4ain
nerciful gain nMerciful gRain Mnerciful Rgain Meerciful tain Mrciful tRain Mreciful Rtain Msrciful 5ain Mserciful 5Rain Mesrciful R5ain
M3rciful fain M3erciful fRain Me3rciful Rfain Mfrciful eain Mferciful eRain Mefrciful Reain Mrrciful Raain Mrerciful Rin Merrciful Rian
M4rciful Rzin M4erciful Rzain Me4rciful Razin Mdrciful Rqin Mderciful Rqain Medrciful Raqin Mwrciful Rsin Mwerciful Rsain Mewrciful Rasin
Rwin Meciful Rwain Mecriful Rawin Medciful Rxin Rxain Merdciful Raxin Me4ciful Raiin Ran Mer4ciful Rani
Megciful Rajn Megrciful Rajin Mergciful Raijn Metciful Ra9n Metrciful Ra9in Mertciful Rai9n Me5ciful Raln Me5rciful Ralin Mer5ciful Railn
Mefciful Raon Raoin Merfciful Raion Meeciful Rakn Rakin Mereciful Raikn Mercciful Ra8n Meriful Ra8in Mericful Rai8n
Merfiful Raun Rauin Mercfiful Raiun Merxiful Rainn Merxciful Rai Mercxiful Rain Merviful Raim Mervciful Raimn Mercviful Rainm
Merdiful Raih Raihn

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