Another Day With You

I look at you and my knees grow weak
I can't think and i can't speak
I wonder how you got to me
Just another day with you

You hold my hand and my face turns red
All the blood rushes to my head
I'd like to say that it's hot instead
It's just another day with you

Baby, it could never be commonplace
To put my arms around you and be swept away

You are
Beautiful under this
Wonderful amazing sky
That I'm sure the lord made just for you
And you are
Everything that I could
Ever dream about
And I thank God
For just another day with you

Maybe it's the way you smell
A dream come true from a wishing well
A million things so i can't tell
Just another day with you

It might be the clothes you wear
Or the way you toss back that blonde hair
It seems like this is so unfair
Just another day with you

It might sound crazy by my heart still skips a beat
Whenever you are sitting next to me
So come a little closer and I will tell you
Who you are

Mirror lyrics:

Who you are
So come a little closer and I will tell you
Whenever you are sitting next to me
It might sound crazy by my heart still skips a beat

Just another day with you
It seems like this is so unfair
Or the way you toss back that blonde hair
It might be the clothes you wear

Just another day with you
A million things so i can't tell
A dream come true from a wishing well
Maybe it's the way you smell

For just another day with you
And I thank God
Ever dream about
Everything that I could
And you are
That I'm sure the lord made just for you
Wonderful amazing sky
Beautiful under this
You are

To put my arms around you and be swept away
Baby, it could never be commonplace

It's just another day with you
I'd like to say that it's hot instead
All the blood rushes to my head
You hold my hand and my face turns red

Just another day with you
I wonder how you got to me
I can't think and i can't speak
I look at you and my knees grow weak

Relevant Tags:
AAnother DDay WWith YYou nother ay ith ou nAother aDy iWth oYu znother xay aith gou zAnother xDay aWith gYou Aznother Dxay Waith Ygou
qnother eay 3ith hou qAnother eDay 3With hYou Aqnother Deay W3ith Yhou snother fay dith 6ou sAnother fDay dWith 6You Asnother Dfay Wdith Y6ou
wnother ray eith uou wAnother rDay eWith uYou Awnother Dray Weith Yuou xnother cay sith 7ou xAnother cDay sWith 7You Axnother Dcay Wsith Y7ou
Annother say 2ith jou Aother sDay 2With jYou Aonther Dsay W2ith Yjou Amother Daay qith tou Amnother Dy qWith tYou Anmother Dya Wqith Ytou
Ahother Dzy Wiith Yoou Ahnother Dzay Wth Yu Anhother Dazy Wtih Yuo Ajother Dqy Wjth Yku Ajnother Dqay Wjith Ykou Anjother Daqy Wijth Yoku
Abother Dsy W9th Y9u Abnother W9ith Y9ou Anbother Dasy Wi9th Yo9u Anoother Dwy Wlth Y0u Anther Dway Wlith Y0ou Antoher Dawy Wilth Yo0u
Ankther Dxy Woth Ylu Ankother Woith Ylou Anokther Daxy Wioth Yolu An9ther Dayy Wkth Yiu An9other Da Wkith Yiou Ano9ther Day Wikth Yoiu
An0ther Dag W8th Youu An0other Dagy W8ith Yo Ano0ther Dayg Wi8th You Anlther Dah Wuth Yoh Anlother Dahy Wuith Yohu Anolther Dayh Wiuth Youh
Anither Da6 Witth Yo7 Aniother Da6y Wih Yo7u Anoither Day6 Wiht You7 Anotther Dau Wifh Yok Anoher Dauy Wifth Anohter Dayu Witfh Youk
Anofher Da7 Wi5h Yoi Anofther Da7y Wi5th Anotfher Day7 Wit5h Youi Ano5her Daj Wihh Yo8 Ano5ther Dajy Wihth Yo8u Anot5her Dayj Withh You8
Anohher Dat Wiyh Yoj Anohther Daty Wiyth Yoju Anothher Dayt Wityh Youj Anoyher Wi6h Yoy Anoyther Wi6th Yoyu Anotyher Wit6h Youy
Ano6her Wigh Ano6ther Wigth

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