That's What Love's All About

That's what love's all about
It will keep us together
What we shared in our hearts
Thanks for having me in your life
The times we have good and bad
Moments we can't erase
For my hearts our minds
The memories will remain
As we walk through life
The pleasure when you talk
It's what makes me see the light.
That's what love's all about
It will keep us together
What we shared in our hearts
Thanks for having me in your life
Your voice, the jokes, your smile
Following me around
Your touch, your hands
Kisses that made me have
The fun, the fights
The magic in your eyes (your eyes)
When you are in (you are in)
My eyes I find.
That's what loves all about
Is what brought us together
All the good things in life
Thanks for being here by my side
That's what love's all about
It will keep us together
What we shared in our hearts
Thanks for having me in your life
That's what loves all about
Is what brought us together
All the good things in life
Thanks for being here by my side
That's what love's all about
It will keep us together
What we shared in our hearts
That's what loves all about
Is what brought us together
All the good things in life
Thanks for being here by my side
That's what love's all about
It will keep us together
What we shared in our hearts
Thanks for having me in your life
Thanks for having me in your life
Thanks for having me in your life

Mirror lyrics:

Thanks for having me in your life
Thanks for having me in your life
Thanks for having me in your life
What we shared in our hearts
It will keep us together
That's what love's all about
Thanks for being here by my side
All the good things in life
Is what brought us together
That's what loves all about
What we shared in our hearts
It will keep us together
That's what love's all about
Thanks for being here by my side
All the good things in life
Is what brought us together
That's what loves all about
Thanks for having me in your life
What we shared in our hearts
It will keep us together
That's what love's all about
Thanks for being here by my side
All the good things in life
Is what brought us together
That's what loves all about
My eyes I find.
When you are in (you are in)
The magic in your eyes (your eyes)
The fun, the fights
Kisses that made me have
Your touch, your hands
Following me around
Your voice, the jokes, your smile
Thanks for having me in your life
What we shared in our hearts
It will keep us together
That's what love's all about
It's what makes me see the light.
The pleasure when you talk
As we walk through life
The memories will remain
For my hearts our minds
Moments we can't erase
The times we have good and bad
Thanks for having me in your life
What we shared in our hearts
It will keep us together
That's what love's all about

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TThat's WWhat LLove's AAll AAbout hat's hat ove's ll bout hTat's hWat oLve's lAl bAout fhat's ahat kove's zll zbout fThat's aWhat kLove's zAll zAbout
Tfhat's Wahat Lkove's Azll Azbout 5hat's 3hat oove's qll qbout 5That's 3What oLove's qAll qAbout T5hat's W3hat Loove's Aqll Aqbout hhat's dhat pove's sll sbout
hThat's dWhat pLove's sAll sAbout Thhat's Wdhat Lpove's Asll Asbout yhat's ehat wll wbout yThat's eWhat Lve's wAll wAbout Tyhat's Wehat Lvoe's Awll Awbout
6hat's shat Lkve's xll xbout 6That's sWhat xAll xAbout T6hat's Wshat Lokve's Axll Axbout ghat's 2hat L9ve's Alll Abbout gThat's 2What L9ove's Al Aout
Tghat's W2hat Lo9ve's All Aobut rhat's qhat L0ve's Akl Avout rThat's qWhat L0ove's Akll Avbout Trhat's Wqhat Lo0ve's Alkl Abvout Whhat Llve's Aol Agout
Tat's Wat Llove's Aoll Agbout Taht's Waht Lolve's Alol Abgout Tjat's Wjat Live's Apl Anout Tjhat's Wjhat Liove's Apll Anbout Thjat's Whjat Loive's Alpl Abnout
Tuat's Wuat Lovve's Ahout Tuhat's Wuhat Loe's Ahbout Thuat's Whuat Loev's Abhout Tnat's Wnat Lobe's Alk Aboout Tnhat's Wnhat Lobve's Abut
Thnat's Whnat Lovbe's Allk Abuot Tbat's Wbat Loce's Alo Abkut Tbhat's Wbhat Locve's Abkout Thbat's Whbat Lovce's Allo Abokut Tgat's Wgat Loge's Alp Ab9ut
Wghat Logve's Ab9out Thgat's Whgat Lovge's Allp Abo9ut Tyat's Wyat Lofe's Ab0ut Wyhat Lofve's Ab0out Thyat's Whyat Lovfe's Abo0ut
Thaat's Whaat Lovee's Ablut Tht's Wht Lov's Ablout Thta's Whta Lov'es Abolut Thzt's Whzt Lovs's Abiut Thzat's Whzat Lovse's Abiout
Thazt's Whazt Loves's Aboiut Thqt's Whqt Lov3's Abouut Thqat's Whqat Lov3e's Abot Thaqt's Whaqt Love3's Abotu

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