Lost Illusions

Who were the first who wanted far too much
More than what he had earned or deserved
All we believed and thought was truth is lost
And our vision's been clouded and blurred

Hundreds of years we've been
Chasing illusions to the grave
All things confined into just three dimensions
You'd better build a dam before the wave

Our final chance will come
Between the fire and rain
The time for change is done
It's time to fight our way
The meek get the Earth
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
One final chance will come
To make the changes in me

Young people find themselves deserted and lost
Embracing the bottle as a son
They won't believe the unbelievable cost
Of chasing a lost illusion

Hundreds of years we've been
Chasing illusions to the grave
All things confined into just three dimensions
You'd better build a dam before the wave

Our final chance will come
Between the fire and rain
The time for change is done
It's time to fight our way
The meek get the Earth
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
One final chance will come
To make the changes in me

A world war beginning
Don't look to see who's winning
The bad and good together
To live and die forever
My God, the time has come
To let some peace got in the way

Hundreds of years we've been
Chasing illusions to the grave
All things confined into just three dimensions
You'd better build a dam before the wave

Our final chance will come
Between the fire and rain
The time for change is done
It's time to fight our way
The meek get the Earth
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
One final chance will come
To make the changes in me

Mirror lyrics:

To make the changes in me
One final chance will come
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
The meek get the Earth
It's time to fight our way
The time for change is done
Between the fire and rain
Our final chance will come

You'd better build a dam before the wave
All things confined into just three dimensions
Chasing illusions to the grave
Hundreds of years we've been

To let some peace got in the way
My God, the time has come
To live and die forever
The bad and good together
Don't look to see who's winning
A world war beginning

To make the changes in me
One final chance will come
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
The meek get the Earth
It's time to fight our way
The time for change is done
Between the fire and rain
Our final chance will come

You'd better build a dam before the wave
All things confined into just three dimensions
Chasing illusions to the grave
Hundreds of years we've been

Of chasing a lost illusion
They won't believe the unbelievable cost
Embracing the bottle as a son
Young people find themselves deserted and lost

To make the changes in me
One final chance will come
But the brave will find the strength to be the thieves
The meek get the Earth
It's time to fight our way
The time for change is done
Between the fire and rain
Our final chance will come

You'd better build a dam before the wave
All things confined into just three dimensions
Chasing illusions to the grave
Hundreds of years we've been

And our vision's been clouded and blurred
All we believed and thought was truth is lost
More than what he had earned or deserved
Who were the first who wanted far too much

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Lots Ilolusions Lozt Iplusions Lozst Ipllusions Loszt Ilplusions Lowt Lowst Loswt Ilulsions Lodt Ilkusions
Lodst Losdt Illkusions Loet Ilousions Loest Loset Illousions Loxt Ilpusions Loxst Losxt Illpusions
Loat Illuusions Loast Illsions Losat Illsuions Lostt Illhsions Los Illhusions Lost Illuhsions Losf Ill7sions Losft Ill7usions
Lostf Illu7sions Los5 Illksions Los5t Lost5 Illuksions Losh Illisions Losht Illiusions Losth Illuisions Losy Ill8sions
Losyt Ill8usions Losty Illu8sions Los6 Illjsions Los6t Illjusions Lost6 Illujsions Losg Illysions Losgt Illyusions Lostg Illuysions
Losr Illussions Losrt Illuions Lostr Illuisons Illuzions Illuzsions Illuszions

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