Eddi Reader
I Felt A Soul Move Through Me

I felt his soul move through me
I was safe and sound
Branches on the window couldn't hurt me now
And when the night came
With the childhood fears
His soul moved through me, they disappeared

I felt his soul move through me
As I stepped from the train
Here to make a new life to start again
The spring had brought me
Winter kept me here
His soul moved through me, time disappeared

I felt his soul move through me
Somewhere in the sky
Too late I landed to say goodbye
He gave me laughter and I paid with tears
His soul moved through me, I disappeared

Mirror lyrics:

His soul moved through me, I disappeared
He gave me laughter and I paid with tears
Too late I landed to say goodbye
Somewhere in the sky
I felt his soul move through me

His soul moved through me, time disappeared
Winter kept me here
The spring had brought me
Here to make a new life to start again
As I stepped from the train
I felt his soul move through me

His soul moved through me, they disappeared
With the childhood fears
And when the night came
Branches on the window couldn't hurt me now
I was safe and sound
I felt his soul move through me

Relevant Tags:
II FFelt AA SSoul MMove TThrough MMe elt oul ove hrough e I eFlt A oSul oMve hTrough eM j celt z zoul jove fhrough je jI cFelt zA zSoul jMove fThrough jMe
Ij Fcelt Az Szoul Mjove Tfhrough Mje 9 relt q woul kove 5hrough ke 9I rFelt qA wSoul kMove 5Through kMe I9 Frelt Aq Swoul Mkove T5hrough Mke l gelt s doul nove hhrough ne
lI gFelt sA dSoul nMove hThrough nMe Il Fgelt As Sdoul Mnove Thhrough Mne o telt w eoul Moove yhrough Mee oI tFelt wA eSoul Mve yThrough M Io Ftelt Aw Seoul Mvoe Tyhrough Me
k velt x xoul Mkve 6hrough Ms kI vFelt xA xSoul 6Through Mse Ik Fvelt Ax Sxoul Mokve T6hrough Mes 8 delt aoul M9ve ghrough M3 8I dFelt aSoul M9ove gThrough M3e
I8 Fdelt Saoul Mo9ve Tghrough Me3 u Feelt Sooul M0ve rhrough Mf uI Flt Sul M0ove rThrough Mfe Iu Flet Suol Mo0ve Trhrough Mef Fslt Skul Mlve Mr
Fselt Skoul Mlove Trough Mre Feslt Sokul Molve Trhough Mer F3lt S9ul Mive Tjrough M4 F3elt S9oul Miove Tjhrough M4e Fe3lt So9ul Moive Thjrough Me4
Fflt S0ul Movve Turough Md Ffelt S0oul Moe Tuhrough Mde Feflt So0ul Moev Thurough Med Frlt Slul Mobe Tnrough Mw Sloul Mobve Tnhrough Mwe
Ferlt Solul Movbe Thnrough Mew F4lt Siul Moce Tbrough F4elt Sioul Mocve Tbhrough Fe4lt Soiul Movce Thbrough Fdlt Souul Moge Tgrough
Sol Mogve Fedlt Solu Movge Thgrough Fwlt Sohl Mofe Tyrough Fwelt Sohul Mofve Fewlt Souhl Movfe Thyrough
Fellt So7l Movee Thrrough Fet So7ul Mov Though Fetl Sou7l Move Thorugh Fekt Sokl Movs Thdough Feklt Movse Thdrough
Felkt Soukl Moves Thrdough Feot Soil Mov3 Th4ough Feolt Mov3e Th4rough Felot Souil Move3 Thr4ough Fept So8l Movf Thgough
Feplt So8ul Felpt Sou8l Movef Thrgough Feltt Sojl Movr Thtough Fel Sojul Movre Thtrough Felt Soujl Mover Thrtough
Felf Soyl Mov4 Th5ough Felft Soyul Mov4e Th5rough Feltf Souyl Move4 Thr5ough Fel5 Soull Movd Thfough Fel5t Sou Movde Thfrough
Felt5 Soul Moved Thrfough Felh Souk Movw Theough Felht Movwe Therough Felth Soulk Movew Threough Fely Souo Throough
Felyt Souol Thrugh

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