Eddi Reader
The Wanting Kind

Standing by the wishing well
Make a wish and then rewind
Fingers crossed behind your back
When you're the wanting kind
Here is the perfect life
Just like the one you designed
But you only see the flaws
When you're the wanting kind

Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love
When you're the wanting kind

Make a deal with the devil
The ink is wet, it's all been signed
But you'll be looking over your shoulder
When you're the wanting kind
It doesn't matter who you are
Cynical or unrefined
You'll be digging in the back of the drawer
For all the ones you left behind

Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love
When you're the wanting kind
What does it take to make you happy ?
What does it take to make you happy ?

You've been looking all your life
There must be something you can find
Funny thing is you've found yourself
Just another wanting kind

Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love
When you're the wanting kind
What does it take to make you happy ?
What does it take to make you happy ?

Mirror lyrics:

What does it take to make you happy ?
What does it take to make you happy ?
When you're the wanting kind
Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love

Just another wanting kind
Funny thing is you've found yourself
There must be something you can find
You've been looking all your life

What does it take to make you happy ?
What does it take to make you happy ?
When you're the wanting kind
Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love

For all the ones you left behind
You'll be digging in the back of the drawer
Cynical or unrefined
It doesn't matter who you are
When you're the wanting kind
But you'll be looking over your shoulder
The ink is wet, it's all been signed
Make a deal with the devil

When you're the wanting kind
Even when you're making love
There's still something on your mind
Even when you're making love

When you're the wanting kind
But you only see the flaws
Just like the one you designed
Here is the perfect life
When you're the wanting kind
Fingers crossed behind your back
Make a wish and then rewind
Standing by the wishing well

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWanting KKind he anting ind hTe aWnting iKnd fhe aanting lind fThe aWanting lKind Tfhe Waanting Klind 5he 3anting oind
5The 3Wanting oKind T5he W3anting Koind hhe danting mind hThe dWanting mKind Thhe Wdanting Kmind yhe eanting jind yThe eWanting jKind
Tyhe Weanting Kjind 6he santing iind 6The sWanting iKind T6he Wsanting Kiind ghe 2anting gThe 2Wanting Knd Tghe W2anting Knid
rhe qanting Kjnd rThe qWanting Trhe Wqanting Kijnd K9nd Te Wnting K9ind Teh Wnating Ki9nd Tje Wznting Klnd
Tjhe Wzanting Thje Waznting Kilnd Tue Wqnting Kond Tuhe Thue Waqnting Kiond Tne Wsnting Kknd Tnhe Kkind
Thne Wasnting Kiknd Tbe Wwnting K8nd Tbhe Wwanting K8ind Thbe Wawnting Ki8nd Tge Wxnting Kund Wxanting Kuind Thge Waxnting Kiund
Tye Wannting Kinnd Wating Kid Thye Watning Kidn Thee Wamting Kimd Th Wamnting Kimnd The Wanmting Kinmd Ths Wahting Kihd
Thse Wahnting Kihnd Thes Wanhting Kinhd Th3 Wajting Kijd Th3e Wajnting The3 Wanjting Kinjd Thf Wabting Kibd Thfe Wabnting Kibnd
Thef Wanbting Kinbd Thr Wantting Kindd Thre Waning Kin Ther Wanitng Kind Th4 Wanfing Kinx Th4e Wanfting Kinxd The4 Wantfing Kindx
Thd Wan5ing Kine Thde Wan5ting Kined Thed Want5ing Kinde Thw Wanhing Kinf

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