Finger Eleven
As Far As I Can Spit

Help me, yeah.

How can I trust in anyone,
When I can't trust myself .
I'm stealing things from better lives,
The lives upon the shelf.

But I'm not as lonely,
As I thought, but I know now.
That it takes much longer,
To be free from this.

What used to come so naturally,
Seems to go away.
You're killing me from inside out,
To make me understand.

And I can't believe this,
And I pray that you find him.
Never did understand,
How you were, and you were.

Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.
Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.

Let it go.

I'm seeing things in darker lights,
Pressed into nicotine.
You're never thinking for yourself,
You're fastened by you're strings.

And I can't believe this,
And I pray that you find him.
Never did understand,
How you were, and you were.

Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.
Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.

Mirror lyrics:

Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.
Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.

How you were, and you were.
Never did understand,
And I pray that you find him.
And I can't believe this,

You're fastened by you're strings.
You're never thinking for yourself,
Pressed into nicotine.
I'm seeing things in darker lights,

Let it go.

Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.
Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight, fight.

How you were, and you were.
Never did understand,
And I pray that you find him.
And I can't believe this,

To make me understand.
You're killing me from inside out,
Seems to go away.
What used to come so naturally,

To be free from this.
That it takes much longer,
As I thought, but I know now.
But I'm not as lonely,

The lives upon the shelf.
I'm stealing things from better lives,
When I can't trust myself .
How can I trust in anyone,

Help me, yeah.

Relevant Tags:
AAs FFar AAs II CCan SSpit s ar s an pit sA aFr sA I aCn pSit zs car zs j fan zpit zAs cFar zAs jI fCan zSpit Azs Fcar Azs Ij Cfan Szpit
qs rar qs 9 xan wpit qAs rFar qAs 9I xCan wSpit Aqs Frar Aqs I9 Cxan Swpit ss gar ss l van dpit sAs gFar sAs lI vCan dSpit Ass Fgar Ass Il Cvan Sdpit
ws tar ws o dan epit wAs tFar wAs oI dCan eSpit Aws Ftar Aws Io Cdan Sepit xs var xs k Caan xpit xAs vFar xAs kI Cn xSpit Axs Fvar Axs Ik Cna Sxpit
dar 8 Czn apit A dFar A 8I Czan aSpit As Fdar As I8 Cazn Sapit Az Faar Az u Cqn Sppit Fr uI Cqan Sit Asz Fra Asz Iu Caqn Sipt
Aw Fzr Aw Csn S0it Fzar Csan S0pit Asw Fazr Asw Casn Sp0it Ad Fqr Ad Cwn Slit Ads Fqar Ads Cwan Slpit Asd Faqr Asd Cawn Split
Ae Fsr Ae Cxn Soit Aes Fsar Aes Sopit Ase Fasr Ase Caxn Spoit Ax Fwr Ax Cann Spiit Fwar Ca Spt Asx Fawr Asx Can Spti
Aa Fxr Aa Cam Spjt Aas Fxar Aas Camn Spjit Asa Faxr Asa Canm Spijt Farr Cah Sp9t

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