Final Chapter
The One Who Cannot Loves

I was born into the world
I'm a child don't know what I will be when I'm old
Tears I have cried thousands of tears
But I know it is the only way to aswer the pain
Sometimes I think my loneliness is just an old friend
Met him in my old life before
Lovely old friend, lovely old friend who will come when you are gone
Who will be with me if not you

[Wizard Queen:]
I see the world look up to you
Take your hand, feel the life that is in you
Don't know who you are, don't know where you are going to
But you seem to be someone
who really loves the ones who cannot love

Mirror lyrics:

who really loves the ones who cannot love
But you seem to be someone
Don't know who you are, don't know where you are going to
Take your hand, feel the life that is in you
I see the world look up to you
[Wizard Queen:]

Who will be with me if not you
Lovely old friend, lovely old friend who will come when you are gone
Met him in my old life before
Sometimes I think my loneliness is just an old friend
But I know it is the only way to aswer the pain
Tears I have cried thousands of tears
I'm a child don't know what I will be when I'm old
I was born into the world

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOne WWho CCannot LLoves he ne ho annot oves hTe nOe hWo aCnnot oLves fhe kne aho fannot koves fThe kOne aWho fCannot kLoves Tfhe Okne Waho Cfannot Lkoves
5he 9ne 3ho xannot ooves 5The 9One 3Who xCannot oLoves T5he O9ne W3ho Cxannot Looves hhe 0ne dho vannot poves hThe 0One dWho vCannot pLoves Thhe O0ne Wdho Cvannot Lpoves
yhe lne eho dannot yThe lOne eWho dCannot Lves Tyhe Olne Weho Cdannot Lvoes 6he ine sho Caannot Lkves 6The iOne sWho Cnnot T6he Oine Wsho Cnanot Lokves
ghe Onne 2ho Cznnot L9ves gThe Oe 2Who Czannot L9oves Tghe Oen W2ho Caznnot Lo9ves rhe Ome qho Cqnnot L0ves rThe Omne qWho Cqannot L0oves Trhe Onme Wqho Caqnnot Lo0ves
Ohe Whho Csnnot Llves Te Ohne Wo Csannot Lloves Teh Onhe Woh Casnnot Lolves Tje Oje Wjo Cwnnot Lives Tjhe Ojne Wjho Cwannot Lioves Thje Onje Whjo Cawnnot Loives
Tue Obe Wuo Cxnnot Lovves Tuhe Obne Wuho Loes Thue Onbe Whuo Caxnnot Loevs Tne Onee Wno Cannnot Lobes Tnhe On Wnho Canot Lobves Thne One Whno Cannot Lovbes
Tbe Ons Wbo Camnot Loces Tbhe Onse Wbho Camnnot Locves Thbe Ones Whbo Canmnot Lovces Tge On3 Wgo Cahnot Loges On3e Wgho Cahnnot Logves Thge One3 Whgo Canhnot Lovges
Tye Onf Wyo Cajnot Lofes Onfe Wyho Cajnnot Lofves Thye Onef Whyo Canjnot Lovfes Thee Onr Whoo Cabnot Lovees Th Onre Wh Cabnnot Lovs The Oner Who Canbnot Lovse
Ths On4 Whk Lovss

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