I Keep Flowers Around

I keep the bottles around,
and my head held down,
which is what you do in this place.

I keep the bottles around,
and my spirits down,
as I watch you lie to my face.

Can't you see,
the little things you say to me?
You're not smart enough,
to realize you said, the opposite.

'cause you lie,
to me

I keep the flowers around,
and my head held down,
it's just what you do in my place

I keep the flowers around,
and my head held down,
it's the only defense in my case.

'cause I can see,
what the lies have done to me.
I hope love's enough,
for between the lies you seek.

'cause you lie,
to me

To me

'cause you lie
To me

Mirror lyrics:

To me
'cause you lie

To me

to me
'cause you lie,

for between the lies you seek.
I hope love's enough,
what the lies have done to me.
'cause I can see,

it's the only defense in my case.
and my head held down,
I keep the flowers around,

it's just what you do in my place
and my head held down,
I keep the flowers around,

to me
'cause you lie,

to realize you said, the opposite.
You're not smart enough,
the little things you say to me?
Can't you see,

as I watch you lie to my face.
and my spirits down,
I keep the bottles around,

which is what you do in this place.
and my head held down,
I keep the bottles around,

Relevant Tags:
II KKeep FFlowers AAround eep lowers round I eKep lFowers rAound j leep clowers zround jI lKeep cFlowers zAround Ij Kleep Fclowers Azround
9 oeep rlowers qround 9I oKeep rFlowers qAround I9 Koeep Frlowers Aqround l meep glowers sround lI mKeep gFlowers sAround Il Kmeep Fglowers Asround
o jeep tlowers wround oI jKeep tFlowers wAround Io Kjeep Ftlowers Awround k ieep vlowers xround kI iKeep vFlowers xAround Ik Kieep Fvlowers Axround
8 Keeep dlowers Arround 8I Kep dFlowers Aound I8 Keep Fdlowers Aorund u Ksep Fllowers Adound uI Kseep Fowers Adround Iu Kesep Folwers Ardound
K3ep Fkowers A4ound K3eep Fklowers A4round Ke3ep Flkowers Ar4ound Kfep Foowers Agound Kfeep Folowers Aground Kefep Floowers Argound
Krep Fpowers Atound Kreep Fplowers Atround Kerep Flpowers Artound K4ep A5ound K4eep Flwers A5round Ke4ep Flwoers Ar5ound
Kdep Flkwers Afound Kdeep Afround Kedep Flokwers Arfound Kwep Fl9wers Aeound Kweep Fl9owers Aeround Kewep Flo9wers Areound
Fl0wers Aroound Fl0owers Arund Kepe Flo0wers Aruond Kesp Fllwers Arkund Arkound Keesp Flolwers Arokund
Ke3p Fliwers Ar9und Fliowers Ar9ound Kee3p Floiwers Aro9und Kefp Flowwers Ar0und Floers Ar0ound Keefp Floewrs Aro0und
Kerp Floaers Arlund Floawers Arlound Keerp Flowaers Arolund Ke4p Flo3ers Ariund Flo3wers Ariound Kee4p Flow3ers Aroiund
Kedp Floders Arouund Flodwers Arond Keedp Flowders Aronud Kewp Floeers Arohnd Floewers Arohund

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