Down With Me

Pictures hung on the walls
Depicting a families dream's
Look's like they could come
Right out of some plastic family magazine
I wish the pictures were true
And the stories they told were real
But I hate to say there was a rage
Somewhere deep inside their cage

Down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you down

The cops show up but there late
They could not stop all that hate
They climbed over the bodies and put
Up that yellow crime scene tape
And we thought that these people
Lived so calm and seemed fine
Looks like underneath someone had lived
With a blackened heart and mind

Down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you down

It's so hard to believe
Then they found a note
It came from a man with a knife
When they read it it gave them a chill
If I can't have her then no one will
Then no one will

Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you down

Mirror lyrics:

I'll take you down, I'll take you down
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down going down holding you

Then no one will
If I can't have her then no one will
When they read it it gave them a chill
It came from a man with a knife
Then they found a note
It's so hard to believe

I'll take you down, I'll take you down
down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down, going down holding you

With a blackened heart and mind
Looks like underneath someone had lived
Lived so calm and seemed fine
And we thought that these people
Up that yellow crime scene tape
They climbed over the bodies and put
They could not stop all that hate
The cops show up but there late

I'll take you down, I'll take you down
Down, going down holding you
I'll take you down, I'll take you
Down, going down holding you

Somewhere deep inside their cage
But I hate to say there was a rage
And the stories they told were real
I wish the pictures were true
Right out of some plastic family magazine
Look's like they could come
Depicting a families dream's
Pictures hung on the walls

Relevant Tags:
DDown WWith MMe own ith e oDwn iWth eM xown aith je xDown aWith jMe Dxown Waith Mje eown 3ith ke eDown 3With kMe Deown W3ith Mke
fown dith ne fDown dWith nMe Dfown Wdith Mne rown eith Mee rDown eWith M Drown Weith Me cown sith Ms cDown sWith Mse Dcown Wsith Mes
sown 2ith M3 sDown 2With M3e Dsown W2ith Me3 Doown qith Mf Dwn qWith Mfe Dwon Wqith Mef Dkwn Wiith Mr Dkown Wth Mre Dokwn Wtih Mer
D9wn Wjth M4 D9own Wjith M4e Do9wn Wijth Me4 D0wn W9th Md D0own W9ith Mde Do0wn Wi9th Med Dlwn Wlth Mw Dlown Wlith Mwe Dolwn Wilth Mew
Diwn Woth Diown Woith Doiwn Wioth Dowwn Wkth Don Wkith Donw Wikth Doan W8th Doawn W8ith Dowan Wi8th

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