Ferlin Husky
That Little Boy Of Mine

Who cares for fame or fortune
Who cares for wealth or gold
Because I find a fortune
Within my arms I hold.

A tiny turned up nose
Two cheeks just like a rose
So sweet from head to toes
That little boy of mine.

Two arms that hold me tight
Two eyes that shine so bright
Two lips that kiss goodnight
That little boy of mine.

No one will ever know
Just what his coming has meant
Because I love him so
He???s something heaven has sent.

He???s all the world to me
He climbs upon my knee
To me he???ll always be
That little boy of mine.

And when he lays his head
Upon his pillow so white
I pray the Lord above
To guide him safe through the night.

In dreams I see his face
And feel his fond embrace
There???s no one can replace
That little boy of mine...

Mirror lyrics:

That little boy of mine...
There???s no one can replace
And feel his fond embrace
In dreams I see his face

To guide him safe through the night.
I pray the Lord above
Upon his pillow so white
And when he lays his head

That little boy of mine.
To me he???ll always be
He climbs upon my knee
He???s all the world to me

He???s something heaven has sent.
Because I love him so
Just what his coming has meant
No one will ever know

That little boy of mine.
Two lips that kiss goodnight
Two eyes that shine so bright
Two arms that hold me tight

That little boy of mine.
So sweet from head to toes
Two cheeks just like a rose
A tiny turned up nose

Within my arms I hold.
Because I find a fortune
Who cares for wealth or gold
Who cares for fame or fortune

Relevant Tags:
TThat LLittle BBoy OOf MMine hat ittle oy f ine hTat iLttle oBy fO iMne fhat kittle voy kf jine fThat kLittle vBoy kOf jMine Tfhat Lkittle Bvoy Okf Mjine
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ghat L9ttle Bky Off M9ne gThat L9ittle Bkoy O M9ine Tghat Li9ttle Boky Of Mi9ne rhat Llttle B9y Oc Mlne rThat Llittle B9oy Ocf Mline Trhat Lilttle Bo9y Ofc Milne
Lottle B0y Or Mone Tat B0oy Orf Moine Taht Liottle Bo0y Ofr Mione Tjat Lkttle Bly Og Mkne Tjhat Bloy Ogf Thjat Likttle Boly Ofg Mikne
Tuat L8ttle Biy Ot M8ne Tuhat L8ittle Bioy Otf M8ine Thuat Li8ttle Boiy Oft Mi8ne Tnat Luttle Boyy Ov Mune Tnhat Luittle Bo Ovf Muine Thnat Liuttle Boy Ofv Miune
Tbat Litttle Bog Od Minne Tbhat Litle Bogy Odf Mie Thbat Little Boyg Ofd Mien Tgat Liftle Boh Mime Lifttle Bohy Mimne Thgat Litftle Boyh Minme
Tyat Li5tle Bo6 Mihe Li5ttle Bo6y Mihne Thyat Lit5tle Boy6 Minhe Thaat Lihtle Bou Mije Tht Lihttle Bouy Thta Lithtle Boyu Minje
Thzt Liytle Bo7 Mibe Thzat Liyttle Bo7y Mibne Thazt Litytle Boy7 Minbe Thqt Li6tle Boj Minee Thqat Li6ttle Bojy Min Thaqt Lit6tle Boyj Mine

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