Ferlin Husky
Just A Closer Walk With Thee


I am weak but Thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

--- Instrumental ---

When my feeble life is o'er
And time for me will be no more
Guide me gently safely o'er
To Thy kingdoms shore, to Thy shore.

Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be...

Mirror lyrics:

Let it be, dear Lord, let it be...
Daily walking close to Thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Just a closer walk with Thee

To Thy kingdoms shore, to Thy shore.
Guide me gently safely o'er
And time for me will be no more
When my feeble life is o'er

--- Instrumental ---

Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
Daily walking close to Thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Just a closer walk with Thee

As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
I'll be satisfied as long
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I am weak but Thou art strong


Relevant Tags:
JJust AA CCloser WWalk WWith TThee ust loser alk ith hee uJst A lCoser aWlk iWth hTee kust z floser aalk aith fhee kJust zA fCloser aWalk aWith fThee
Jkust Az Cfloser Waalk Waith Tfhee iust q xloser 3alk 3ith 5hee iJust qA xCloser 3Walk 3With 5Thee Jiust Aq Cxloser W3alk W3ith T5hee must s vloser dalk dith hhee
mJust sA vCloser dWalk dWith hThee Jmust As Cvloser Wdalk Wdith Thhee nust w dloser ealk eith yhee nJust wA dCloser eWalk eWith yThee Jnust Aw Cdloser Wealk Weith Tyhee
hust x Clloser salk sith 6hee hJust xA Coser sWalk sWith 6Thee Jhust Ax Colser Wsalk Wsith T6hee uust Ckoser 2alk 2ith ghee uJust Ckloser 2Walk 2With gThee
Juust Clkoser W2alk W2ith Tghee Cooser qalk qith rhee Jst Coloser qWalk qWith rThee Jsut Clooser Wqalk Wqith Trhee Jhst Cposer Wiith
Cploser Wlk Wth Tee Juhst Clposer Wlak Wtih Tehe J7st Wzlk Wjth Tjee J7ust Clser Wzalk Wjith Tjhee Ju7st Clsoer Wazlk Wijth Thjee
Jkst Clkser Wqlk W9th Tuee W9ith Tuhee Jukst Clokser Waqlk Wi9th Thuee Jist Cl9ser Wslk Wlth Tnee Cl9oser Wlith Tnhee
Juist Clo9ser Waslk Wilth Thnee J8st Cl0ser Wwlk Woth Tbee J8ust Cl0oser Wwalk Woith Tbhee Ju8st Clo0ser Wawlk Wioth Thbee Jjst Cllser Wxlk Wkth Tgee
Jjust Wxalk Wkith Jujst Clolser Waxlk Wikth Thgee Jyst Cliser Wallk W8th Tyee Jyust Clioser Wak W8ith Juyst Cloiser Wakl Wi8th Thyee
Jusst Closser Wakk Wuth Theee Jut Cloer Waklk Wuith The Juts Cloesr Walkk Wiuth Thee Juzt Clozer Waok Witth Thse Juzst Clozser Waolk Wih Thsee
Juszt Closzer Walok Wiht These

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