Ferlin Husky
I've Got A Woman's Love

(Marty Robbins)

My home is the field where I work mighty hard
I stand in the shade of heaven's reward
I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.

She stands at my side through worry and care
Willing to give and willing to share
I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.

There's bread on our table and rest in our bed
Plenty of courage to face what's ahead
She gives me contentment when my work is done
Gave me a daughter, gave me a son.

My cotton is white, there's gold in the grain
I've got nothing to lose, plenty to gain
I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.

There's bread on our table and rest in our bed
Plenty of courage to face what's ahead
She gives me contentment when my work is done
Gave me a daughter, gave me a son.

My cotton is white, there's gold in the grain
I've got nothing to lose, plenty to gain
I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.

I've got a woman's love...

Mirror lyrics:

I've got a woman's love...

I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.
I've got nothing to lose, plenty to gain
My cotton is white, there's gold in the grain

Gave me a daughter, gave me a son.
She gives me contentment when my work is done
Plenty of courage to face what's ahead
There's bread on our table and rest in our bed

I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.
I've got nothing to lose, plenty to gain
My cotton is white, there's gold in the grain

Gave me a daughter, gave me a son.
She gives me contentment when my work is done
Plenty of courage to face what's ahead
There's bread on our table and rest in our bed

I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.
Willing to give and willing to share
She stands at my side through worry and care

I'm happy and free 'cause I've got a woman's love.
I stand in the shade of heaven's reward
My home is the field where I work mighty hard

(Marty Robbins)

Relevant Tags:
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9've yot q 3oman's oove 9I've yGot qA 3Woman's oLove I9've Gyot Aq W3oman's Loove l've bot s doman's pove lI've bGot sA dWoman's pLove Il've Gbot As Wdoman's Lpove
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8've tot 2oman's L9ve 8I've tGot 2Woman's L9ove I8've Gtot W2oman's Lo9ve u've Goot qoman's L0ve uI've Gt qWoman's L0ove Iu've Gto Wqoman's Lo0ve
I''ve Gkt Wooman's Llve Ive Gkot Wman's Llove Iv'e Gokt Wmoan's Lolve I'vve G9t Wkman's Live I'e G9ot Wkoman's Liove I'ev Go9t Wokman's Loive
I'be G0t W9man's Lovve I'bve G0ot W9oman's Loe I'vbe Go0t Wo9man's Loev I'ce Glt W0man's Lobe I'cve Glot W0oman's Lobve I'vce Golt Wo0man's Lovbe
I'ge Git Wlman's Loce I'gve Giot Wloman's Locve I'vge Goit Wolman's Lovce I'fe Gott Wiman's Loge I'fve Go Wioman's Logve I'vfe Got Woiman's Lovge
I'vee Gof Womman's Lofe I'v Goft Woan's Lofve I've Gotf Woamn's Lovfe I'vs Go5 Wojan's Lovee I'vse Go5t Wojman's Lov I'ves Got5 Womjan's Love
I'v3 Goh Wokan's Lovs I'v3e Goht Lovse I've3 Goth Womkan's Loves I'vf Goy Wonan's Lov3 Goyt Wonman's Lov3e I'vef Goty Womnan's Love3
I'vr Go6 Womaan's Lovf

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