Ferlin Husky
I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You

(Hank Williams)

Everybody says you let me down
I should be ashamed to take you round
Makes no difference what you used to do
Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.

Maybe you were reckless yesterday
But together we can find a brighter way
In my heart I know that you'll come true
Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.

--- Instrumental ---

All the happiness I've ever known
Came the day you said you'd be my own
And it matters not what we go through
Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.

Maybe you were cheated in the past
And perhaps those memories will always last
Even though you prove to be untrue
Darling, I could never be ashamed of you...

Mirror lyrics:

Darling, I could never be ashamed of you...
Even though you prove to be untrue
And perhaps those memories will always last
Maybe you were cheated in the past

Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.
And it matters not what we go through
Came the day you said you'd be my own
All the happiness I've ever known

--- Instrumental ---

Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.
In my heart I know that you'll come true
But together we can find a brighter way
Maybe you were reckless yesterday

Darling, I could never be ashamed of you.
Makes no difference what you used to do
I should be ashamed to take you round
Everybody says you let me down

(Hank Williams)

Relevant Tags:
II CCould NNever BBe AAshamed OOf YYou ould ever e shamed f ou I oCuld eNver eB sAhamed fO oYu j fould mever ve zshamed kf gou jI fCould mNever vBe zAshamed kOf gYou
Ij Cfould Nmever Bve Azshamed Okf Ygou 9 xould hever ge qshamed 9f hou 9I xCould hNever gBe qAshamed 9Of hYou I9 Cxould Nhever Bge Aqshamed O9f Yhou l vould jever ne sshamed 0f 6ou
lI vCould jNever nBe sAshamed 0Of 6You Il Cvould Njever Bne Asshamed O0f Y6ou o dould bever he wshamed lf uou oI dCould bNever hBe wAshamed lOf uYou Io Cdould Nbever Bhe Awshamed Olf Yuou
k Coould Neever Bee xshamed if 7ou kI Culd Nver B xAshamed iOf 7You Ik Cuold Nveer Be Axshamed Oif Y7ou 8 Ckuld Nsver Bs Off jou 8I Ckould Nsever Bse Ahamed O jYou
I8 Cokuld Nesver Bes Ahsamed Of Yjou u C9uld N3ver B3 Azhamed Oc tou uI C9ould N3ever B3e Ocf tYou Iu Co9uld Ne3ver Be3 Aszhamed Ofc Ytou C0uld Nfver Bf Awhamed Or Yoou
C0ould Nfever Bfe Orf Yu Co0uld Nefver Bef Aswhamed Ofr Yuo Cluld Nrver Br Adhamed Og Yku Clould Nrever Bre Adshamed Ogf Ykou Coluld Nerver Ber Asdhamed Ofg Yoku
Ciuld N4ver B4 Aehamed Ot Y9u Ciould N4ever B4e Aeshamed Otf Y9ou Coiuld Ne4ver Be4 Asehamed Oft Yo9u Couuld Ndver Bd Axhamed Ov Y0u Cold Ndever Bde Ovf Y0ou
Colud Nedver Bed Asxhamed Ofv Yo0u Cohld Nwver Bw Aahamed Od Ylu Cohuld Nwever Bwe Aashamed Odf Ylou Couhld Newver Bew Asahamed Ofd Yolu Co7ld Nevver Ashhamed Yiu
Co7uld Neer Asamed Yiou Cou7ld Neevr Asahmed Yoiu Cokld Neber Asjamed Youu Nebver Asjhamed Yo Coukld Nevber Ashjamed You
Coild Necer Asuamed Yoh Necver Asuhamed Yohu Couild Nevcer Ashuamed Youh Co8ld Neger Asnamed Yo7 Co8uld Negver Asnhamed Yo7u
Cou8ld Nevger Ashnamed You7 Cojld Nefer Asbamed Yok Cojuld Asbhamed Coujld Nevfer Ashbamed Youk Coyld Neveer Asgamed Yoi
Coyuld Nevr Asghamed Couyld Nevre Ashgamed Youi Coulld Nevsr Asyamed Yo8 Coud Nevser Asyhamed Yo8u Coudl Nevesr Ashyamed You8
Coukd Nev3r Ashaamed Yoj Nev3er Ashmed Yoju Coulkd Neve3r Ashmaed Youj

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