Ferlin Husky
What Does Your Conscience Say To You

(Ray Pennington)

(What does your conscience say to you.)

When you're with your somebody new and he holds you in his arms
Don't you know you're not lovin' by the rules
If you would stop and search your mind imagine what you'd find
What would your conscience say to you?

Tell me do you think he'll love you and that he'll be true
If he'll take you from me he'll leave you for someone too
But let your conscience be your guide so many times I've heard you say
What does your conscience say to you?

--- Instrumental ---

Now you know I've always been true and I tried to do my part
There's no reason to treat me like you do
What makes you think his love will last compare your future with your past
What does your conscience say to you?

Oh, tell me do you think he'll love you and that he'll be true
If he'll take you from me he'll leave you for someone too
But let your conscience be your guide so many times I've heard you say
What does your conscience say to you?...

Mirror lyrics:

What does your conscience say to you?...
But let your conscience be your guide so many times I've heard you say
If he'll take you from me he'll leave you for someone too
Oh, tell me do you think he'll love you and that he'll be true

What does your conscience say to you?
What makes you think his love will last compare your future with your past
There's no reason to treat me like you do
Now you know I've always been true and I tried to do my part

--- Instrumental ---

What does your conscience say to you?
But let your conscience be your guide so many times I've heard you say
If he'll take you from me he'll leave you for someone too
Tell me do you think he'll love you and that he'll be true

What would your conscience say to you?
If you would stop and search your mind imagine what you'd find
Don't you know you're not lovin' by the rules
When you're with your somebody new and he holds you in his arms

(What does your conscience say to you.)

(Ray Pennington)

Relevant Tags:
WWhat DDoes YYour CConscience SSay TTo YYou hat oes our onscience ay o ou hWat oDes oYur oCnscience aSy oT oYu ahat xoes gour fonscience zay fo gou
aWhat xDoes gYour fConscience zSay fTo gYou Wahat Dxoes Ygour Cfonscience Szay Tfo Ygou 3hat eoes hour xonscience way 5o hou 3What eDoes hYour xConscience wSay 5To hYou
W3hat Deoes Yhour Cxonscience Sway T5o Yhou dhat foes 6our vonscience day ho 6ou dWhat fDoes 6Your vConscience dSay hTo 6You Wdhat Dfoes Y6our Cvonscience Sday Tho Y6ou
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sWhat cDoes 7Your Cnscience xSay 6To 7You Wshat Dcoes Y7our Cnoscience Sxay T6o Y7ou 2hat soes jour Cknscience aay go jou 2What sDoes jYour Ckonscience aSay gTo jYou
W2hat Dsoes Yjour Coknscience Saay Tgo Yjou qhat Dooes tour C9nscience ro tou qWhat Des tYour C9onscience Sy rTo tYou Wqhat Deos Ytour Co9nscience Sya Tro Ytou
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Whuat Do0es Yo9ur Coinscience Sasy To9 Yo9u Wnat Dles Y0ur Connscience Swy T0 Y0u Wnhat Dloes Y0our Coscience T0o Y0ou Whnat Doles Yo0ur Cosncience Sawy To0 Yo0u
Wbat Dies Ylur Comscience Sxy Tl Ylu Wbhat Dioes Ylour Comnscience Tlo Ylou Whbat Doies Yolur Conmscience Saxy Tol Yolu Wgat Doees Yiur Cohscience Sayy Ti Yiu
Wghat Dos Yiour Cohnscience Sa Tio Yiou Whgat Dose Yoiur Conhscience Say Toi Yoiu Wyat Doss Youur Cojscience Sag Youu Wyhat Doses Yor Cojnscience Sagy Yo
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Whah Doed You4 Consfience Whaht You4r Consfcience Whath Doesd Your4 Conscfience Whay Doee Youg Consxience
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