First Aid Kit
You're Not Coming Home Tonight

Yeah you cooked his dinners
And you raised his children
And still he's not satisfied
He says "I'd rather switch with you
'You don't know how hard it is
'To work from nine to five"
But he speaks with his eyes closed
And even though you're not alone
He's never there to be with you
And you remember when you were young
While it was new and it was fun
Now every corn is filled with dust
But you're not coming home tonight

You just took the train and
You left without a wave
Figured he'd never let you leave anyway
And now you're sitting on that train
Seeing life in a new way
And every forest sings a song
One for the heartbroken lover
And one for the dreamers
And then there's one just for you
The wind's been humming on it all day
And the soil lies awake
Waiting for its drum solo
'Cause you're not coming home tonight
'Cause you aren't coming home tonight

The ship is sailing
I'll meet you on the other side
The future's unclear
But hopefully it will be fine
'Cause you're not coming home tonight

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you're not coming home tonight
But hopefully it will be fine
The future's unclear
I'll meet you on the other side
The ship is sailing

'Cause you aren't coming home tonight
'Cause you're not coming home tonight
Waiting for its drum solo
And the soil lies awake
The wind's been humming on it all day
And then there's one just for you
And one for the dreamers
One for the heartbroken lover
And every forest sings a song
Seeing life in a new way
And now you're sitting on that train
Figured he'd never let you leave anyway
You left without a wave
You just took the train and

But you're not coming home tonight
Now every corn is filled with dust
While it was new and it was fun
And you remember when you were young
He's never there to be with you
And even though you're not alone
But he speaks with his eyes closed
'To work from nine to five"
'You don't know how hard it is
He says "I'd rather switch with you
And still he's not satisfied
And you raised his children
Yeah you cooked his dinners

Relevant Tags:
YYou're NNot CComing HHome TTonight ou're ot oming ome onight oYu're oNt oCming oHme oTnight gou're mot foming jome fonight gYou're mNot fComing jHome fTonight
Ygou're Nmot Cfoming Hjome Tfonight hou're hot xoming uome 5onight hYou're hNot xComing uHome 5Tonight Yhou're Nhot Cxoming Huome T5onight 6ou're jot voming nome honight
6You're jNot vComing nHome hTonight Y6ou're Njot Cvoming Hnome Thonight uou're bot doming bome yonight uYou're bNot dComing bHome yTonight Yuou're Nbot Cdoming Hbome Tyonight
7ou're Noot Cooming gome 6onight 7You're Nt Cming gHome 6Tonight Y7ou're Nto Cmoing Hgome T6onight jou're Nkt Ckming yome gonight jYou're Nkot Ckoming yHome gTonight
Yjou're Nokt Cokming Hyome Tgonight tou're N9t C9ming Hoome ronight tYou're N9ot C9oming Hme rTonight Ytou're No9t Co9ming Hmoe Tronight Yoou're N0t C0ming Hkme Toonight
Yu're N0ot C0oming Hkome Tnight Yuo're No0t Co0ming Hokme Tnoight Yku're Nlt Clming H9me Tknight Ykou're Nlot Cloming H9ome Tkonight Yoku're Nolt Colming Ho9me Toknight
Y9u're Nit Ciming H0me T9night Y9ou're Niot Cioming H0ome T9onight Yo9u're Noit Coiming Ho0me To9night Y0u're Nott Comming Hlme T0night Y0ou're No Coing Hlome T0onight
Yo0u're Not Coimng Holme To0night Ylu're Nof Cojing Hime Tlnight Ylou're Noft Cojming Hiome Tlonight Yolu're Notf Comjing Hoime Tolnight Yiu're No5 Coking Homme Tinight
Yiou're No5t Hoe Tionight Yoiu're Not5 Comking Hoem Toinight Youu're Noh Coning Hoje Tonnight Yo're Noht Conming Hojme Toight Yo'ure Noth Comning Homje Toinght
Yoh're Noy Comiing Hoke Tomight Yohu're Noyt Comng Tomnight Youh're Noty Comnig Homke Tonmight Yo7're No6 Comjng Hone Tohight Yo7u're No6t Honme Tohnight
You7're Not6 Comijng Homne Tonhight Yok're Nog Com9ng Homee Tojight Nogt Com9ing Hom Tojnight Youk're Notg Comi9ng Home Tonjight Yoi're Nor Comlng Homs Tobight
Nort Comling Homse Tobnight Youi're Notr Comilng Homes Tonbight Yo8're Comong Hom3 Toniight Yo8u're Comoing Hom3e Tonght You8're Comiong Home3 Tongiht
Yoj're Comkng Homf Tonjght Yoju're Homfe Youj're Comikng Homef Tonijght Yoy're Com8ng Homr Ton9ght Yoyu're Com8ing Homre Ton9ight
Youy're Comi8ng Homer Toni9ght You''re Comung Hom4 Tonlght Youre Comuing Hom4e Tonlight Your'e Comiung Home4 Tonilght You'rre Cominng Homd Tonoght

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