First Floor Power
There Is Hope

There is hope when you have messages
on your answermachine.
There is hope when you hear a knock on
your door at night
and you´re not expecting anyone.

Hope when the plane
you´re in is going up instead of down.
Hope when you fall
from a cliff and wake up and it was
just a dream.
So don´t let the bastards bring you down!

There is hope
when the hedgehog doesn´t get hit by cars,
on his way across the roads.
There is hope when music still souches your soul,
oh yeah, and gives you
strenght, yeah, to carry on. Hope when people don´t
take it no more and
go out (you go out) out in the street and demonstrate,

Hope in this song I
sing well, there is hope in almost everything.
Don´t let the bastards
bring you down! Don´t let the passed bring you down!
I´ve been so down
now baby, but I´m coming up, up to see some sights,
There is hope,
there gotta be some hope

Mirror lyrics:

there gotta be some hope
There is hope,
now baby, but I´m coming up, up to see some sights,
I´ve been so down
bring you down! Don´t let the passed bring you down!
Don´t let the bastards
sing well, there is hope in almost everything.
Hope in this song I

go out (you go out) out in the street and demonstrate,
take it no more and
strenght, yeah, to carry on. Hope when people don´t
oh yeah, and gives you
There is hope when music still souches your soul,
on his way across the roads.
when the hedgehog doesn´t get hit by cars,
There is hope

So don´t let the bastards bring you down!
just a dream.
from a cliff and wake up and it was
Hope when you fall
you´re in is going up instead of down.
Hope when the plane

and you´re not expecting anyone.
your door at night
There is hope when you hear a knock on
on your answermachine.
There is hope when you have messages

Relevant Tags:
TThere IIs HHope here s ope hTere sI oHpe fhere js jope fThere jIs jHope Tfhere Ijs Hjope 5here 9s uope 5There 9Is uHope T5here I9s Huope
hhere ls nope hThere lIs nHope Thhere Ils Hnope yhere os bope yThere oIs bHope Tyhere Ios Hbope 6here ks gope 6There kIs gHope T6here Iks Hgope
ghere 8s yope gThere 8Is yHope Tghere I8s Hyope rhere us Hoope rThere uIs Hpe Trhere Ius Hpoe Iss Hkpe Tere I Hkope Tehre Is Hokpe
Tjere Iz H9pe Tjhere Izs H9ope Thjere Isz Ho9pe Tuere Iw H0pe Tuhere Iws H0ope Thuere Isw Ho0pe Tnere Id Hlpe Tnhere Ids Hlope Thnere Isd Holpe
Tbere Ie Hipe Tbhere Ies Hiope Thbere Ise Hoipe Tgere Ix Hoppe Ixs Hoe Thgere Isx Hoep Tyere Ia Ho0e Ias Thyere Isa Hop0e
Theere Hole Thre Three Hople Thsre Hooe Thsere Thesre Hopoe Th3re Hopee

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