Choose Any Memory

enough today
too long silent
Please send a feeling
Think me a thought
Gone too far again
To no surprise (no surprise of mine)
Direct stellar contact
Wait for dark (waiting for dark)
Hear me! Hear me!
I sometimes know
It felt so near
Don't close sad eyes
Choose any memory
Gone too far again
To no surprise (no surprise of mine)
Direct stellar contact
Wait for dark (waiting for dark)
Hear me! Hear me! Hear me! Hear me!

Mirror lyrics:

Hear me! Hear me! Hear me! Hear me!
Wait for dark (waiting for dark)
Direct stellar contact
To no surprise (no surprise of mine)
Gone too far again
Choose any memory
Don't close sad eyes
It felt so near
I sometimes know
Hear me! Hear me!
Wait for dark (waiting for dark)
Direct stellar contact
To no surprise (no surprise of mine)
Gone too far again
Think me a thought
Please send a feeling
too long silent
enough today

Relevant Tags:
CChoose AAny MMemory hoose ny emory hCoose nAy eMmory fhoose zny jemory fChoose zAny jMemory Cfhoose Azny Mjemory
xhoose qny kemory xChoose qAny kMemory Cxhoose Aqny Mkemory vhoose sny nemory vChoose sAny nMemory Cvhoose Asny Mnemory
dhoose wny Meemory dChoose wAny Mmory Cdhoose Awny Mmeory Chhoose xny Msmory Coose xAny Msemory Cohose Axny Mesmory
Cjoose Anny M3mory Cjhoose Ay M3emory Chjoose Ayn Me3mory Cuoose Amy Mfmory Cuhoose Amny Mfemory Chuoose Anmy Mefmory
Cnoose Ahy Mrmory Cnhoose Ahny Mremory Chnoose Anhy Mermory Cboose Ajy M4mory Cbhoose Ajny M4emory Chboose Anjy Me4mory
Cgoose Aby Mdmory Cghoose Abny Mdemory Chgoose Anby Medmory Cyoose Anyy Mwmory Cyhoose An Mwemory Chyoose Any Mewmory
Chooose Ang Memmory Chose Angy Meory Choose Anyg Meomry Chkose Anh Mejory Chkoose Mejmory Chokose Anyh Memjory
Ch9ose An6 Mekory Ch9oose An6y Mekmory Cho9ose Any6 Memkory Ch0ose Anu Menory Ch0oose Anuy Menmory Cho0ose Anyu Memnory
Chlose An7 Memoory Chloose An7y Memry Cholose Any7 Memroy Chiose Anj Memkry Chioose Choiose Anyj Memokry
Ant Mem9ry Anty Mem9ory

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