Fiona Blackburn
Nadu Nadudu

Nadu Nadudu, Nadu Nadudu.
..Sleep now, my darling, sleep.
Sleep now on my breast.This is what you are dreaming:"Hold
me, nurse me and love meThat I may grow strong and
be a great man.Then, like my fathers,
Go to the streams for fishing.
To Hanmas, to catch the spring salmon.
I will fish at the Echo CliffAnd find gifts for the
Thunder Woman."Sleep now, my darling,
sleep.Darling baby boy.Dream well while I hold you
safe.Nadu Nadudu."When I become a hunter,
I will go to the mountains.
There, where my grandfathers went.
I will go and set my bear traps.
I will find food for my people.
No one of you shall be hungry.
"Nadu Nadudu, Nadu Nadudu...Dream well while I hold you safe.Nadu Nadudu.

Mirror lyrics:

"Nadu Nadudu, Nadu Nadudu...Dream well while I hold you safe.Nadu Nadudu.
No one of you shall be hungry.
I will find food for my people.
I will go and set my bear traps.
There, where my grandfathers went.
I will go to the mountains.
safe.Nadu Nadudu."When I become a hunter,
sleep.Darling baby boy.Dream well while I hold you
Thunder Woman."Sleep now, my darling,
I will fish at the Echo CliffAnd find gifts for the
To Hanmas, to catch the spring salmon.
Go to the streams for fishing.
be a great man.Then, like my fathers,
me, nurse me and love meThat I may grow strong and
Sleep now on my breast.This is what you are dreaming:"Hold
..Sleep now, my darling, sleep.
Nadu Nadudu, Nadu Nadudu.

Relevant Tags:
NNadu NNadudu adu adudu aNdu aNdudu madu madudu mNadu mNadudu Nmadu Nmadudu hadu hadudu hNadu hNadudu Nhadu Nhadudu jadu jadudu
jNadu jNadudu Njadu Njadudu badu badudu bNadu bNadudu Nbadu Nbadudu Naadu Naadudu Ndu Ndudu Ndau Ndaudu Nzdu Nzdudu Nzadu Nzadudu
Nazdu Nazdudu Nqdu Nqdudu Nqadu Nqadudu Naqdu Naqdudu Nsdu Nsdudu Nsadu Nsadudu Nasdu Nasdudu Nwdu Nwdudu Nwadu Nwadudu Nawdu Nawdudu
Nxdu Nxdudu Nxadu Nxadudu Naxdu Naxdudu Naddu Naddudu Nau Naudu Naud Nauddu Naxu Naxudu Nadxu Nadxudu Naeu Naeudu Naedu Naedudu
Nadeu Nadeudu Nafu Nafudu Nafdu Nafdudu Nadfu Nadfudu Naru Narudu Nardu Nardudu Nadru Nadrudu Nacu Nacudu Nacdu Nacdudu Nadcu Nadcudu
Nasu Nasudu Nadsu Nadsudu Naduu Naduudu Nad Naddu Nadu Nadduu Nadh Nadhdu Nadhu Nadhudu Naduh Naduhdu Nad7 Nad7du

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