Just Kill Me

I can't escape from here
The darkness is eating my mind
I don't know how to tell you
that you don't know why
you don't know why
I can't escape from here
The silence is eating my wound
Before the sun is cold I gotta go
I gotta go
morning dew's a sign for flying away
now it's time to go find your way
footsteps all around me in the snow
nothing else can stay in this world
I forgot how to touch my heart
My body's floating away
Snow is falling down on my face
like trying to hide my existence

Don't look at me with your fake eyes
Don't look at me with your fake words
Don't hurt me again with your fake smile
Don't hold me tight
Just kill me

Mirror lyrics:

Just kill me
Don't hold me tight
Don't hurt me again with your fake smile
Don't look at me with your fake words
Don't look at me with your fake eyes

like trying to hide my existence
Snow is falling down on my face
My body's floating away
I forgot how to touch my heart
nothing else can stay in this world
footsteps all around me in the snow
now it's time to go find your way
morning dew's a sign for flying away
I gotta go
Before the sun is cold I gotta go
The silence is eating my wound
I can't escape from here
you don't know why
that you don't know why
I don't know how to tell you
The darkness is eating my mind
I can't escape from here

Relevant Tags:
JJust KKill MMe ust ill e uJst iKll eM kust lill je kJust lKill jMe Jkust Klill Mje iust oill ke iJust oKill kMe Jiust Koill Mke
must mill ne mJust mKill nMe Jmust Kmill Mne nust jill Mee nJust jKill M Jnust Kjill Me hust iill Ms hJust iKill Mse Jhust Kiill Mes
uust M3 uJust Kll M3e Juust Klil Me3 Kjll Mf Jst Mfe Jsut Kijll Mef Jhst K9ll Mr K9ill Mre Juhst Ki9ll Mer
J7st Klll M4 J7ust M4e Ju7st Killl Me4 Jkst Koll Md Mde Jukst Kioll Med Jist Kkll Mw Kkill Mwe Juist Kikll Mew
J8st K8ll J8ust K8ill Ju8st Ki8ll Jjst Kull Jjust Kuill Jujst Kiull Jyst

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