Something Hot In A Cold Country

You should have been a rambler,
A counterfeit gambler,
Would you steal the sunflowers for me,
I see you've been fighting,
With molotov writing,
They tried to drag you under, I see.

Did they try to tell you you're strange,
Did they try to push you away,
Hold on.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
TiII the world remembers your name,
Till you found of the sight what you see.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
Till the world remembers your name,
Something hot in a cold country.

Hold on to your spirits,
You're a pain, not a poet,
You're special and they know it,
They can see,
They throw a net that pins you to the ground,
Don't let their blindness bring you down,
Be stubborn and enioy it like me.

Did they try to tell you you're strange,
Did they try to push you away,
Hold on.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
TiII the world remembers your name,
Till you found the fire that you see.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
Till the world remembers your name,
Something hot in a cold country.

I won't see you falling,
Hold on Hold on.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
Till the world remembers your name,
Till you find out the sight that you see.

Feed the fire, fan the flame,
Till the world remembers your name,
Something hot in a cold country.

I won't see you falling,
Hold on.

Mirror lyrics:

Hold on.
I won't see you falling,

Something hot in a cold country.
Till the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Till you find out the sight that you see.
Till the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Hold on Hold on.
I won't see you falling,

Something hot in a cold country.
Till the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Till you found the fire that you see.
TiII the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Hold on.
Did they try to push you away,
Did they try to tell you you're strange,

Be stubborn and enioy it like me.
Don't let their blindness bring you down,
They throw a net that pins you to the ground,
They can see,
You're special and they know it,
You're a pain, not a poet,
Hold on to your spirits,

Something hot in a cold country.
Till the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Till you found of the sight what you see.
TiII the world remembers your name,
Feed the fire, fan the flame,

Hold on.
Did they try to push you away,
Did they try to tell you you're strange,

They tried to drag you under, I see.
With molotov writing,
I see you've been fighting,
Would you steal the sunflowers for me,
A counterfeit gambler,
You should have been a rambler,

Relevant Tags:
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Szomething Hjot Ijn Az Cfold Cfountry womething uot 9n q xold xountry wSomething uHot 9In qA xCold xCountry Swomething Huot I9n Aq Cxold Cxountry domething not ln s vold vountry
dSomething nHot lIn sA vCold vCountry Sdomething Hnot Iln As Cvold Cvountry eomething bot on w dold dountry eSomething bHot oIn wA dCold dCountry Seomething Hbot Ion Aw Cdold Cdountry
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Saomething Hyot I8n Cokld Cokuntry Soomething Hoot un C9ld C9untry Smething Ht uIn C9old C9ountry Smoething Hto Iun Co9ld Co9untry Skmething Hkt Inn C0ld C0untry
Skomething Hkot I C0old C0ountry Sokmething Hokt In Co0ld Co0untry S9mething H9t Im Clld Cluntry S9omething H9ot Imn Clold Clountry So9mething Ho9t Inm Colld Coluntry
S0mething H0t Ih Cild Ciuntry S0omething H0ot Ihn Ciold Ciountry So0mething Ho0t Inh Coild Coiuntry Slmething Hlt Ij Couuntry Slomething Hlot Cod Contry
Solmething Holt Inj Codl Conutry Simething Hit Ib Cokd Cohntry Siomething Hiot Ibn Cohuntry Soimething Hoit Inb Colkd Couhntry Sommething Hott Cood Co7ntry
Soething Ho Co7untry Soemthing Hot Colod Cou7ntry Sojething Hof Copd Cokntry Sojmething Hoft Copld Somjething Hotf Colpd Coukntry
Sokething Ho5 Coldd Cointry Ho5t Col Somkething Hot5 Cold Couintry Sonething Hoh Colx Co8ntry Sonmething Hoht Colxd Co8untry
Somnething Hoth Coldx Cou8ntry Someething Hoy Cole Cojntry Somthing Hoyt Coled Cojuntry Somtehing Hoty Colde Coujntry Somsthing Ho6 Colf Coyntry
Somsething Ho6t Colfd Coyuntry Somesthing Hot6 Coldf Couyntry Som3thing Hog Colr Counntry Som3ething Hogt Colrd Coutry Some3thing Hotg Coldr Coutnry
Somfthing Hor Colc Coumtry Somfething Hort Colcd Coumntry Somefthing Hotr Coldc Counmtry Somrthing Cols Couhtry Somrething Colsd
Somerthing Colds Counhtry Som4thing Coujtry Som4ething Some4thing Counjtry Somdthing Coubtry
Somdething Coubntry Somedthing Counbtry Somwthing Counttry Somwething Counry Somewthing Counrty
Sometthing Counfry Somehing Counftry Somehting Countfry Somefhing Coun5ry Coun5try
Sometfhing Count5ry Some5hing Counhry Some5thing Somet5hing Counthry Somehhing Counyry

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