Eddie Meduza
Rollin' Down

Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
I'm feeling alright

I've always been a man of truth and honor, never letting anyone down
Always been a good boy and taken my pills, never been a playing around
But when the old man said I had to go I just had to take my stuff and run
So I leave this place that I'm loving so and driving to the city sun
Keep on rolling

Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
Lord, I'm feeling alright

Rolling down the road just as fast as I can, looking for some place I know
And I never mind where ever I am 'cause I've really gotta go

Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
Lord, I'm feeling alright


Always tried to act like a really good guy, always tried to be a friend
Never said a word being misunderstood, but I have to leave again
'Cause when the old man said that I had to go
I just had to take my stuff and run
So I leave this place that I'm loving so and driving to the city sun
Keep on rolling

Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down but I'm feeling alright
Lord, lord, I'm feeling alright

Ahaha, I'm feeling alright
Lord, I'm feeling alright

Well, I'm going down the highway in my pink Cadillac
Going down the highway and I'm never coming back

Mirror lyrics:

Going down the highway and I'm never coming back
Well, I'm going down the highway in my pink Cadillac

Lord, I'm feeling alright
Ahaha, I'm feeling alright

Lord, lord, I'm feeling alright
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down but I'm feeling alright
Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back

Keep on rolling
So I leave this place that I'm loving so and driving to the city sun
I just had to take my stuff and run
'Cause when the old man said that I had to go
Never said a word being misunderstood, but I have to leave again
Always tried to act like a really good guy, always tried to be a friend


Lord, I'm feeling alright
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back

And I never mind where ever I am 'cause I've really gotta go
Rolling down the road just as fast as I can, looking for some place I know

Lord, I'm feeling alright
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back

Keep on rolling
So I leave this place that I'm loving so and driving to the city sun
But when the old man said I had to go I just had to take my stuff and run
Always been a good boy and taken my pills, never been a playing around
I've always been a man of truth and honor, never letting anyone down

I'm feeling alright
Rolling down so late at night, rolling down and feeling alright
Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back

Relevant Tags:
RRollin' DDown ollin' own oRllin' oDwn dollin' xown dRollin' xDown Rdollin' Dxown 4ollin' eown 4Rollin' eDown R4ollin' Deown
gollin' fown gRollin' fDown Rgollin' Dfown tollin' rown tRollin' rDown Rtollin' Drown 5ollin' cown 5Rollin' cDown R5ollin' Dcown
follin' sown fRollin' sDown Rfollin' Dsown eollin' Doown eRollin' Dwn Reollin' Dwon Roollin' Dkwn Rllin' Dkown Rlolin' Dokwn
Rkllin' D9wn Rkollin' D9own Rokllin' Do9wn R9llin' D0wn R9ollin' D0own Ro9llin' Do0wn R0llin' Dlwn R0ollin' Dlown Ro0llin' Dolwn
Rlllin' Diwn Rlollin' Diown Rolllin' Doiwn Rillin' Dowwn Riollin' Don Roillin' Donw Doan Rolin' Doawn Rollin' Dowan
Roklin' Do3n Do3wn Rolklin' Dow3n

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