Eddie Meduza
In The Middle Of The Night


Do it in the late time
Do it in the night time
Do it in the sleep time
Do it in the dawn time

Do it in the odd time
Do it in the good time
Do it now on every time
And it's really neat

Whenever you're divided
Do the love
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

Do it on Monday
Do it on Tuesday
Do it on Wednesday
Do it on Thursday

Do it on Friday
Do it on Saturday
Do it on Sunday
All throughout the week

Whenever you're divided
Do the love
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

When I feel down
People laugh all through night

When you fell down
Do the love all through the night
In the middle of the night

Do it on Monday
Do it on Tuesday
Do it on Wednesday
Do it on Thursday

Do it on Friday
Do it on Saturday
Do it on Sunday
All throughout the week

Wherever you're divided
Do the love
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

Mirror lyrics:

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Do the love
Wherever you're divided

All throughout the week
Do it on Sunday
Do it on Saturday
Do it on Friday

Do it on Thursday
Do it on Wednesday
Do it on Tuesday
Do it on Monday

In the middle of the night
Do the love all through the night
When you fell down

People laugh all through night
When I feel down

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Do the love
Whenever you're divided

All throughout the week
Do it on Sunday
Do it on Saturday
Do it on Friday

Do it on Thursday
Do it on Wednesday
Do it on Tuesday
Do it on Monday

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Do the love
Whenever you're divided

And it's really neat
Do it now on every time
Do it in the good time
Do it in the odd time

Do it in the dawn time
Do it in the sleep time
Do it in the night time
Do it in the late time


Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe MMiddle OOf TThe NNight n he iddle f he ight nI hTe iMddle fO hTe iNght jn fhe jiddle kf fhe might jIn fThe jMiddle kOf fThe mNight
Ijn Tfhe Mjiddle Okf Tfhe Nmight 9n 5he kiddle 9f 5he hight 9In 5The kMiddle 9Of 5The hNight I9n T5he Mkiddle O9f T5he Nhight ln hhe niddle 0f hhe jight
lIn hThe nMiddle 0Of hThe jNight Iln Thhe Mniddle O0f Thhe Njight on yhe Miiddle lf yhe bight oIn yThe Mddle lOf yThe bNight Ion Tyhe Mdidle Olf Tyhe Nbight
kn 6he Mjddle if 6he Niight kIn 6The iOf 6The Nght Ikn T6he Mijddle Oif T6he Ngiht 8n ghe M9ddle Off ghe Njght 8In gThe M9iddle O gThe
I8n Tghe Mi9ddle Of Tghe Nijght un rhe Mlddle Oc rhe N9ght uIn rThe Mliddle Ocf rThe N9ight Iun Trhe Milddle Ofc Trhe Ni9ght Inn Moddle Or Nlght
I Te Moiddle Orf Te Nlight In Teh Mioddle Ofr Teh Nilght Im Tje Mkddle Og Tje Noght Imn Tjhe Ogf Tjhe Noight Inm Thje Mikddle Ofg Thje Nioght
Ih Tue M8ddle Ot Tue Nkght Ihn Tuhe M8iddle Otf Tuhe Nkight Inh Thue Mi8ddle Oft Thue Nikght Ij Tne Muddle Ov Tne N8ght Tnhe Muiddle Ovf Tnhe N8ight
Inj Thne Miuddle Ofv Thne Ni8ght Ib Tbe Midddle Od Tbe Nught Ibn Tbhe Midle Odf Tbhe Nuight Inb Thbe Middle Ofd Thbe Niught Tge Mixdle Tge Nigght
Mixddle Niht Thge Midxdle Thge Nihgt Tye Miedle Tye Nihht Mieddle Nihght Thye Midedle Thye Nighht
Thee Mifdle Thee Niyht Th Mifddle Th Niyght The Midfdle The Nigyht Ths Mirdle Ths Nibht Thse Mirddle Thse Nibght
Thes Midrdle Thes Nigbht Th3 Micdle Th3 Nivht

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