Eddie Cochran
Yours Tomorrows Never Comes

Each day you say tomorrow you'll ask him to set you free
You promised you would tell him, you want to marry me
You want him, you want me and yet you want your fun
Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come
Darling your tomorrows is just your excuse to me
'Cause you will never tell him that you're in love with me
You lied to him, you lied to me, a week is almost done
Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come

Tomorrow is your promise as each day is almost done
You know you'll never keep it
'Cause tomorrow will never come
You cheat on him, you cheat on me, you're the selfish one
Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come

Mirror lyrics:

Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come
You cheat on him, you cheat on me, you're the selfish one
'Cause tomorrow will never come
You know you'll never keep it
Tomorrow is your promise as each day is almost done

Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come
You lied to him, you lied to me, a week is almost done
'Cause you will never tell him that you're in love with me
Darling your tomorrows is just your excuse to me
Today will pass like yesterday and tomorrow will never come
You want him, you want me and yet you want your fun
You promised you would tell him, you want to marry me
Each day you say tomorrow you'll ask him to set you free

Relevant Tags:
YYours TTomorrows NNever CComes ours omorrows ever omes oYurs oTmorrows eNver oCmes gours fomorrows mever fomes gYours fTomorrows mNever fComes
Ygours Tfomorrows Nmever Cfomes hours 5omorrows hever xomes hYours 5Tomorrows hNever xComes Yhours T5omorrows Nhever Cxomes 6ours homorrows jever vomes
6Yours hTomorrows jNever vComes Y6ours Thomorrows Njever Cvomes uours yomorrows bever domes uYours yTomorrows bNever dComes Yuours Tyomorrows Nbever Cdomes
7ours 6omorrows Neever Coomes 7Yours 6Tomorrows Nver Cmes Y7ours T6omorrows Nveer Cmoes jours gomorrows Nsver Ckmes jYours gTomorrows Nsever Ckomes
Yjours Tgomorrows Nesver Cokmes tours romorrows N3ver C9mes tYours rTomorrows N3ever C9omes Ytours Tromorrows Ne3ver Co9mes Yoours Toomorrows Nfver C0mes
Yurs Tmorrows Nfever C0omes Yuors Tmoorrows Nefver Co0mes Ykurs Tkmorrows Nrver Clmes Ykours Tkomorrows Nrever Clomes Yokurs Tokmorrows Nerver Colmes
Y9urs T9morrows N4ver Cimes Y9ours T9omorrows N4ever Ciomes Yo9urs To9morrows Ne4ver Coimes Y0urs T0morrows Ndver Commes Y0ours T0omorrows Ndever Coes
Yo0urs To0morrows Nedver Coems Ylurs Tlmorrows Nwver Cojes Ylours Tlomorrows Nwever Cojmes Yolurs Tolmorrows Newver Comjes Yiurs Timorrows Nevver Cokes
Yiours Tiomorrows Neer Yoiurs Toimorrows Neevr Comkes Youurs Tommorrows Neber Cones Yors Toorrows Nebver Conmes Yorus Toomrrows Nevber Comnes
Yohrs Tojorrows Necer Comees Yohurs Tojmorrows Necver Coms Youhrs Tomjorrows Nevcer Comse Yo7rs Tokorrows Neger Comss Yo7urs Negver Comses
You7rs Tomkorrows Nevger Comess Yokrs Tonorrows Nefer Com3s Tonmorrows Com3es Youkrs Tomnorrows Nevfer Come3s Yoirs Tomoorrows Neveer Comfs
Tomrrows Nevr Comfes Youirs Tomrorows Nevre Comefs Yo8rs Tomkrrows Nevsr Comrs Yo8urs Nevser Comres You8rs Tomokrrows Nevesr Comers
Yojrs Tom9rrows Nev3r Com4s Yojurs Tom9orrows Nev3er Com4es Youjrs Tomo9rrows Neve3r Come4s Yoyrs Tom0rrows Nevfr Comds Yoyurs Tom0orrows Comdes
Youyrs Tomo0rrows Nevefr Comeds Yourrs Tomlrrows Nevrr Comws Yous Tomlorrows Nevrer Comwes Yousr Tomolrrows Neverr Comews Youds Tomirrows Nev4r
Youdrs Tomiorrows Nev4er Come Yourds Tomoirrows Neve4r Comes You4s Tomorrrows Nevdr Comez You4rs Tomorows Nevder Comezs Your4s Tomorrows Nevedr Comesz
Yougs Tomodrows Nevwr Comew Yougrs Tomodrrows Nevwer Yourgs Tomordrows Nevewr Comesw Youts Tomo4rows Comed Youtrs Tomo4rrows Neve
Yourts Tomor4rows Never Comesd You5s Tomogrows Neved Comee You5rs Tomogrrows

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