Eddie Meduza
Take My Heart

She took my money
She took our home
She took my baby
Left me alone

For years I’ve suffered, from all the grief and pain
And you’re saying you’re not the kind
Who treat med badly but I’m not blind
Though I’m suspicious I’ll take a chance on you

Take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
So take my heart but don’t you take my soul

I really love you but I’ve been burned
Life gave a lesson that I have learned
Don’t try to push me, some time is all I need

So take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
So take my heart but don’t you take my soul


Take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
So take my heart but don’t you take my soul

Yea, take my heart but don’t you try to take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
So take my heart but don’t you take my soul

Take my heart baby, take my heart baby,
don’t take my soul, but take my heart baby………

Mirror lyrics:

don’t take my soul, but take my heart baby………
Take my heart baby, take my heart baby,

So take my heart but don’t you take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
Yea, take my heart but don’t you try to take my soul

So take my heart but don’t you take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
Take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul


So take my heart but don’t you take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
So take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul

Don’t try to push me, some time is all I need
Life gave a lesson that I have learned
I really love you but I’ve been burned

So take my heart but don’t you take my soul
Take my heart, I’ve gotta love before I get to old
Take my heart, but don’t you try to take my soul

Though I’m suspicious I’ll take a chance on you
Who treat med badly but I’m not blind
And you’re saying you’re not the kind
For years I’ve suffered, from all the grief and pain

Left me alone
She took my baby
She took our home
She took my money

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMy HHeart ake y eart aTke yM eHart fake jy jeart fTake jMy jHeart Tfake Mjy Hjeart 5ake ky ueart 5Take kMy uHeart T5ake Mky Hueart
hake ny neart hTake nMy nHeart Thake Mny Hneart yake Myy beart yTake M bHeart Tyake My Hbeart 6ake Mg geart 6Take Mgy gHeart T6ake Myg Hgeart
gake Mh yeart gTake Mhy yHeart Tgake Myh Hyeart rake M6 Heeart rTake M6y Hart Trake My6 Haert Taake Mu Hsart Tke Muy Hseart Tkae Myu Hesart
Tzke M7 H3art Tzake M7y H3eart Tazke My7 He3art Tqke Mj Hfart Tqake Hfeart Taqke Myj Hefart Tske Mt Hrart Tsake Mty Hreart Taske Myt Herart
Twke H4art Twake H4eart Tawke He4art Txke Hdart Txake Hdeart Taxke Hedart Takke Hwart Tae Hweart Taek Hewart
Tale Heaart Talke Hert Takle Herat Taoe Hezrt Taoke Hezart Takoe Heazrt Tame Heqrt

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