Keep Me Close

Look at me, I'm so far away
Out of the way of rain
And Far from the pain
Well if you see me in your dreams
Would you still believe
All that you see
Well, don't leave me out
Don't leave me out
Well even though I am not there with u it's good to keep me close

Never thought that it would come down to this
That I would be so missed
So quickly dismissed, yeah
I want nothing more than to be with you hurry home
And I know its been so long and What I did was wrong
Don't Leave Me Out
Don't Leave Me Out
Well even though I'm not there with u it's good to keep me close

Closer to your skin
You gotta keep me deep within
Cuz where I am right now I couldn't need u more
Close enough to see
Close enough to hear you breathe
Close enough to feel the warmth of you, cuz I am so cold, yeah

Don't leave me out 3x
Even though I'm not there with u it's good to keep me close 3

Mirror lyrics:

Even though I'm not there with u it's good to keep me close 3
Don't leave me out 3x

Close enough to feel the warmth of you, cuz I am so cold, yeah
Close enough to hear you breathe
Close enough to see
Cuz where I am right now I couldn't need u more
You gotta keep me deep within
Closer to your skin

Well even though I'm not there with u it's good to keep me close
Don't Leave Me Out
Don't Leave Me Out
And I know its been so long and What I did was wrong
I want nothing more than to be with you hurry home
So quickly dismissed, yeah
That I would be so missed
Never thought that it would come down to this

Well even though I am not there with u it's good to keep me close
Don't leave me out
Well, don't leave me out
All that you see
Would you still believe
Well if you see me in your dreams
And Far from the pain
Out of the way of rain
Look at me, I'm so far away

Relevant Tags:
KKeep MMe CClose eep e lose eKep eM lCose leep je flose lKeep jMe fClose Kleep Mje Cflose oeep ke xlose oKeep kMe xClose Koeep Mke Cxlose
meep ne vlose mKeep nMe vClose Kmeep Mne Cvlose jeep Mee dlose jKeep M dClose Kjeep Me Cdlose ieep Ms Cllose iKeep Mse Cose Kieep Mes Colse
Keeep M3 Ckose Kep M3e Cklose Keep Me3 Clkose Ksep Mf Coose Kseep Mfe Colose Kesep Mef Cloose K3ep Mr Cpose K3eep Mre Cplose Ke3ep Mer Clpose
Kfep M4 Kfeep M4e Clse Kefep Me4 Clsoe Krep Md Clkse Kreep Mde Kerep Med Clokse K4ep Mw Cl9se K4eep Mwe Cl9ose Ke4ep Mew Clo9se
Kdep Cl0se Kdeep Cl0ose Kedep Clo0se Kwep Cllse Kweep Kewep Clolse

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