Dashboard Confessional
The Only Gift That I Need

You'll be leavin' for the winter
but I'll concede that it's true
It's the right thing for you
but it's tough to be moved with the holiday spirit
And to tell you the truth
I had big plans for Christmas and high hopes for you

I want you here by my side
Cold nights and fires and white wine
And dreams of holidays to come
But I'll wait for spring to bring you to me
The only gift that I need

I'll be living off your phone calls and your letters and your postcards
Every single word is like a secret wish come true
Well, who cares if we're apart for the big days
It's the small ones that made me fall in love with you

I want you here by my side
Cold nights and fires and white wine
And dreams of holidays to come
But I'll wait for spring to bring you to me
The only gift that I need

The only gift that I need (repeat)

Mirror lyrics:

The only gift that I need (repeat)

The only gift that I need
But I'll wait for spring to bring you to me
And dreams of holidays to come
Cold nights and fires and white wine
I want you here by my side

It's the small ones that made me fall in love with you
Well, who cares if we're apart for the big days
Every single word is like a secret wish come true
I'll be living off your phone calls and your letters and your postcards

The only gift that I need
But I'll wait for spring to bring you to me
And dreams of holidays to come
Cold nights and fires and white wine
I want you here by my side

I had big plans for Christmas and high hopes for you
And to tell you the truth
but it's tough to be moved with the holiday spirit
It's the right thing for you
but I'll concede that it's true
You'll be leavin' for the winter

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOnly GGift TThat II NNeed he nly ift hat eed hTe nOly iGft hTat I eNed fhe knly hift fhat j meed fThe kOnly hGift fThat jI mNeed
Tfhe Oknly Ghift Tfhat Ij Nmeed 5he 9nly yift 5hat 9 heed 5The 9Only yGift 5That 9I hNeed T5he O9nly Gyift T5hat I9 Nheed hhe 0nly bift hhat l jeed
hThe 0Only bGift hThat lI jNeed Thhe O0nly Gbift Thhat Il Njeed yhe lnly vift yhat o beed yThe lOnly vGift yThat oI bNeed Tyhe Olnly Gvift Tyhat Io Nbeed
6he inly fift 6hat k Neeed 6The iOnly fGift 6That kI Ned T6he Oinly Gfift T6hat Ik Need ghe Onnly tift ghat 8 Nsed gThe Oly tGift gThat 8I Nseed
Tghe Olny Gtift Tghat I8 Nesed rhe Omly Giift rhat u N3ed rThe Omnly Gft rThat uI N3eed Trhe Onmly Gfit Trhat Iu Ne3ed Ohly Gjft Nfed
Te Ohnly Gjift Tat Nfeed Teh Onhly Gijft Taht Nefed Tje Ojly G9ft Tjat Nred Tjhe Ojnly G9ift Tjhat Nreed Thje Onjly Gi9ft Thjat Nered
Tue Obly Glft Tuat N4ed Tuhe Obnly Glift Tuhat N4eed Thue Onbly Gilft Thuat Ne4ed Tne Onlly Goft Tnat Nded Tnhe Ony Goift Tnhat Ndeed
Thne Onyl Gioft Thnat Neded Tbe Onky Gkft Tbat Nwed Tbhe Onkly Gkift Tbhat Nweed Thbe Onlky Gikft Thbat Newed Tge Onoy G8ft Tgat
Onoly G8ift Thge Onloy Gi8ft Thgat Nede Tye Onpy Guft Tyat Nesd

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