Eddy Arnold
I Called On The Master

(Conrad Brady - Ralph Wingert)

I called on the Master
I said Lord help me to pray
For I'm that little black sheep
That you've been haunting today.

I thought I could wander
And find my way all alone
Now I want you to guide
This rolling stone.

Then I heard His answer
So clear to me
Tell again what I learned
At mother's knee.

Now I thank to Master
For starting my life anew
Just ask and He'll do the same
My friend for you.

I thought I could wander
And find my way all alone
Now I want you to guide
This rolling stone.

Then I heard His answer
So clear to me
Tell again what I learned
At mother's knee...

Mirror lyrics:

At mother's knee...
Tell again what I learned
So clear to me
Then I heard His answer

This rolling stone.
Now I want you to guide
And find my way all alone
I thought I could wander

My friend for you.
Just ask and He'll do the same
For starting my life anew
Now I thank to Master

At mother's knee.
Tell again what I learned
So clear to me
Then I heard His answer

This rolling stone.
Now I want you to guide
And find my way all alone
I thought I could wander

That you've been haunting today.
For I'm that little black sheep
I said Lord help me to pray
I called on the Master

(Conrad Brady - Ralph Wingert)

Relevant Tags:
II CCalled OOn TThe MMaster alled n he aster I aClled nO hTe aMster j falled kn fhe jaster jI fCalled kOn fThe jMaster Ij Cfalled Okn Tfhe Mjaster
9 xalled 9n 5he kaster 9I xCalled 9On 5The kMaster I9 Cxalled O9n T5he Mkaster l valled 0n hhe naster lI vCalled 0On hThe nMaster Il Cvalled O0n Thhe Mnaster
o dalled ln yhe Maaster oI dCalled lOn yThe Mster Io Cdalled Oln Tyhe Msater k Caalled in 6he Mzster kI Clled iOn 6The Mzaster Ik Claled Oin T6he Mazster
8 Czlled Onn ghe Mqster 8I Czalled O gThe Mqaster I8 Cazlled On Tghe Maqster u Cqlled Om rhe Msster uI Cqalled Omn rThe Msaster Iu Caqlled Onm Trhe Masster
Cslled Oh Mwster Csalled Ohn Te Mwaster Caslled Onh Teh Mawster Cwlled Oj Tje Mxster Cwalled Ojn Tjhe Mxaster Cawlled Onj Thje Maxster
Cxlled Ob Tue Obn Tuhe Mater Caxlled Onb Thue Matser Callled Tne Mazter Caled Tnhe Called Thne Maszter
Cakled Tbe Mawter Caklled Tbhe Calkled Thbe Maswter Caoled Tge Madter Caolled Madster Caloled Thge Masdter
Capled Tye Maeter Caplled Maester Calpled Thye Maseter Thee Maxter Th Caleld The Masxter
Calked Ths Maater Thse Callked Thes Masater Caloed Th3 Mastter Th3e Maser Calloed The3 Masetr
Calped Thf Masfer Thfe Masfter

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