Eddy Arnold
I'd Trade All Of My Tomorrows

(Jenny Lou Carson)

I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday
For what good is life without the one you love
I'd trade all of my tomorrows they're worthless anyway
If my arms can't hold the one I'm dreaming of.

Just an empty world is all I have before me
I'd give anything if you were with me now
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday
I don't want them without you anyhow.

--- Instrumental ---

Just an empty world is all I have before me
I'd give anything if you were with me now
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday
I don't want them without you anyhow...

Mirror lyrics:

I don't want them without you anyhow...
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday
I'd give anything if you were with me now
Just an empty world is all I have before me

--- Instrumental ---

I don't want them without you anyhow.
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday
I'd give anything if you were with me now
Just an empty world is all I have before me

If my arms can't hold the one I'm dreaming of.
I'd trade all of my tomorrows they're worthless anyway
For what good is life without the one you love
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday

(Jenny Lou Carson)

Relevant Tags:
II'd TTrade AAll OOf MMy TTomorrows 'd rade ll f y omorrows 'Id rTade lAl fO yM oTmorrows j'd frade zll kf jy fomorrows jI'd fTrade zAll kOf jMy fTomorrows
Ij'd Tfrade Azll Okf Mjy Tfomorrows 9'd 5rade qll 9f ky 5omorrows 9I'd 5Trade qAll 9Of kMy 5Tomorrows I9'd T5rade Aqll O9f Mky T5omorrows l'd hrade sll 0f ny homorrows
lI'd hTrade sAll 0Of nMy hTomorrows Il'd Thrade Asll O0f Mny Thomorrows o'd yrade wll lf Myy yomorrows oI'd yTrade wAll lOf M yTomorrows Io'd Tyrade Awll Olf My Tyomorrows
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I8'd Tgrade All Of Myh Tgomorrows u'd rrade Akl Oc M6 romorrows uI'd rTrade Akll Ocf M6y rTomorrows Iu'd Trrade Alkl Ofc My6 Tromorrows I''d Aol Or Mu Toomorrows
Id Tade Aoll Orf Muy Tmorrows Id' Tarde Alol Ofr Myu Tmoorrows I'dd Tdade Apl Og M7 Tkmorrows I' Tdrade Apll Ogf M7y Tkomorrows I'd Trdade Alpl Ofg My7 Tokmorrows
I'x T4ade Ot Mj T9morrows I'xd T4rade Otf T9omorrows I'dx Tr4ade Oft Myj To9morrows I'e Tgade Alk Ov Mt T0morrows I'ed Ovf Mty T0omorrows
I'de Trgade Allk Ofv Myt To0morrows I'f Ttade Alo Od Tlmorrows I'fd Ttrade Odf Tlomorrows I'df Trtade Allo Ofd Tolmorrows I'r T5ade Alp Timorrows
I'rd Tiomorrows I'dr Tr5ade Allp Toimorrows I'c Tfade Tommorrows I'cd Toorrows I'dc Trfade Toomrrows
I's Teade Tojorrows I'sd Terade Tojmorrows I'ds Treade Tomjorrows Traade Tokorrows Trde
Trdae Tomkorrows Trzde Tonorrows Trzade Tonmorrows Trazde Tomnorrows Trqde Tomoorrows
Trqade Tomrrows Traqde Tomrorows Trsde Tomkrrows Trsade Trasde Tomokrrows
Trwde Tom9rrows Trwade Tom9orrows Trawde Tomo9rrows Trxde Tom0rrows Trxade Tom0orrows
Traxde Tomo0rrows Tradde Tomlrrows Trae Tomlorrows Traed Tomolrrows Traxe Tomirrows
Tomiorrows Tradxe Tomoirrows Traee Tomorrrows Traede Tomorows Tradee Tomorrows
Trafe Tomodrows Trafde Tomodrrows Tradfe Tomordrows Trare Tomo4rows Trarde Tomo4rrows
Tradre Tomor4rows Trace Tomogrows Tracde Tomogrrows

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