Eddy Arnold
His Hands

(Stuart Hamblen)

His hands paint the flowers
He puts leaves on the trees
At His whisper birds start singing
When my heart needs melodies.

Why I strayed from all his goodness
My poor mind can't understand
I'm to blame for my misfortune
I lost hold of his hands.

Those hands that give me mercy
When I'm wrong as wrong can be
If they really gave me justice
I'd be lost on homeless seas.

I've been lost in the shuffle
I've obeyed the wrong commands
I'm going back to the chapel
In search of his hands.

--- Instrumental ---

Why I strayed from all his goodness
My poor mind can't understand
I'm to blame for my misfortune
I lost hold of his hands...

Mirror lyrics:

I lost hold of his hands...
I'm to blame for my misfortune
My poor mind can't understand
Why I strayed from all his goodness

--- Instrumental ---

In search of his hands.
I'm going back to the chapel
I've obeyed the wrong commands
I've been lost in the shuffle

I'd be lost on homeless seas.
If they really gave me justice
When I'm wrong as wrong can be
Those hands that give me mercy

I lost hold of his hands.
I'm to blame for my misfortune
My poor mind can't understand
Why I strayed from all his goodness

When my heart needs melodies.
At His whisper birds start singing
He puts leaves on the trees
His hands paint the flowers

(Stuart Hamblen)

Relevant Tags:
HHis HHands is ands iHs aHnds jis jands jHis jHands Hjis Hjands uis uands uHis uHands Huis Huands nis nands nHis nHands
Hnis Hnands bis bands bHis bHands Hbis Hbands gis gands gHis gHands Hgis Hgands yis yands yHis yHands Hyis Hyands Hiis Haands
Hs Hnds Hsi Hnads Hjs Hznds Hzands Hijs Haznds H9s Hqnds H9is Hqands Hi9s Haqnds Hls Hsnds Hlis Hsands Hils Hasnds
Hos Hwnds Hois Hwands Hios Hawnds Hks Hxnds Hkis Hxands Hiks Haxnds H8s Hannds H8is Hads Hi8s Hadns Hus Hamds Hamnds
Hius Hanmds Hiss Hahds

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