Eddy Arnold
Crying In The Chapel

(Artie Glenn)

You saw me crying in the chapel
The tears I shed were tears of joy
I know the meaning of contentment
Now I am happy with the Lord.

Just a plain and simple chapel
Where humble people go to pray
I pray the Lord that I'll grow stronger
As I live from day to day.

I've searched and I've searched
But I couldn't find
No way on earth
To gain peace of mind.

Now I'm happy in the chapel
Where people are of one accord
We gather in the chapel
Just to sing and praise the Lord.

Every sinner looks for something
That will put his heart at ease
There is only one true answer
He must get down on his knees.

You'll search and you'll search
But you'll never find
No way on earth
To gain peace of mind.

Take your troubles in the chapel
Get down on your knees and pray
Your burdens will be lighter
And you'll surely find your way...

Mirror lyrics:

And you'll surely find your way...
Your burdens will be lighter
Get down on your knees and pray
Take your troubles in the chapel

To gain peace of mind.
No way on earth
But you'll never find
You'll search and you'll search

He must get down on his knees.
There is only one true answer
That will put his heart at ease
Every sinner looks for something

Just to sing and praise the Lord.
We gather in the chapel
Where people are of one accord
Now I'm happy in the chapel

To gain peace of mind.
No way on earth
But I couldn't find
I've searched and I've searched

As I live from day to day.
I pray the Lord that I'll grow stronger
Where humble people go to pray
Just a plain and simple chapel

Now I am happy with the Lord.
I know the meaning of contentment
The tears I shed were tears of joy
You saw me crying in the chapel

(Artie Glenn)

Relevant Tags:
CCrying IIn TThe CChapel rying n he hapel rCying nI hTe hCapel frying jn fhe fhapel fCrying jIn fThe fChapel Cfrying Ijn Tfhe Cfhapel
xrying 9n 5he xhapel xCrying 9In 5The xChapel Cxrying I9n T5he Cxhapel vrying ln hhe vhapel vCrying lIn hThe vChapel Cvrying Iln Thhe Cvhapel
drying on yhe dhapel dCrying oIn yThe dChapel Cdrying Ion Tyhe Cdhapel Crrying kn 6he Chhapel Cying kIn 6The Capel Cyring Ikn T6he Cahpel
Cdying 8n ghe Cjapel 8In gThe Cjhapel Crdying I8n Tghe Chjapel C4ying un rhe Cuapel C4rying uIn rThe Cuhapel Cr4ying Iun Trhe Chuapel
Cgying Inn Cnapel Cgrying I Te Cnhapel Crgying In Teh Chnapel Ctying Im Tje Cbapel Ctrying Imn Tjhe Cbhapel Crtying Inm Thje Chbapel
C5ying Ih Tue Cgapel C5rying Ihn Tuhe Cghapel Cr5ying Inh Thue Chgapel Cfying Ij Tne Cyapel Tnhe Cyhapel Crfying Inj Thne Chyapel
Ceying Ib Tbe Chaapel Cerying Ibn Tbhe Chpel Creying Inb Thbe Chpael Cryying Tge Chzpel Cring Chzapel Criyng Thge Chazpel
Crging Tye Chqpel Chqapel Cryging Thye Chaqpel Crhing Thee Chspel Crhying Th Chsapel Cryhing The Chaspel
Cr6ing Ths Chwpel Cr6ying Thse Chwapel Cry6ing Thes Chawpel Cruing Th3 Chxpel Cruying Th3e Chxapel Cryuing The3 Chaxpel
Cr7ing Thf Chappel Cr7ying Thfe Chael Cry7ing Thef Chaepl

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