Eddie Money
Take Me Home Tonight

I feel a hunger, it's a hunger
That tries to keep a man awake at night
Are you the answer I shouldn't wonder
When I can feel you whet my appetite
With all the power you're releasing
It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone
Anticipation is running through me
Let's find the keys and turn this engine on

I can feel you breathe
I can feel your heart beat faster.....

Take me home tonight
I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light
Take me home tonight
Listen honey
Just like Ronnie sang
Be my little baby..oh..ho..ohhhhh

I get frightened in all this darkness
I get nightmares I hate to sleep alone
I need some company a guardian angel
To keep me warm when the cold winds blow

I can feel you breathe
I can feel your heart beat faster.....faster

Take me home tonight
I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light
Take me home tonight
Listen honey
Just like Ronnie sang
Be my little baby
Be my little baby..uh..huh

Just like Ronnie sang
I said,
Just like Ronnie sang
Be my little baby
Baby my darlin'..uh..uh..oh..oh..ohhhh

I feel a hunger
It's a hunger


Mirror lyrics:


It's a hunger
I feel a hunger

Baby my darlin'..uh..uh..oh..oh..ohhhh
Be my little baby
Just like Ronnie sang
I said,
Just like Ronnie sang

Be my little baby..uh..huh
Be my little baby
Just like Ronnie sang
Listen honey
Take me home tonight
I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light
Take me home tonight

I can feel your heart beat faster.....faster
I can feel you breathe

To keep me warm when the cold winds blow
I need some company a guardian angel
I get nightmares I hate to sleep alone
I get frightened in all this darkness

Be my little baby..oh..ho..ohhhhh
Just like Ronnie sang
Listen honey
Take me home tonight
I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light
Take me home tonight

I can feel your heart beat faster.....
I can feel you breathe

Let's find the keys and turn this engine on
Anticipation is running through me
It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone
With all the power you're releasing
When I can feel you whet my appetite
Are you the answer I shouldn't wonder
That tries to keep a man awake at night
I feel a hunger, it's a hunger

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMe HHome TTonight ake e ome onight aTke eM oHme oTnight fake je jome fonight fTake jMe jHome fTonight Tfake Mje Hjome Tfonight
5ake ke uome 5onight 5Take kMe uHome 5Tonight T5ake Mke Huome T5onight hake ne nome honight hTake nMe nHome hTonight Thake Mne Hnome Thonight
yake Mee bome yonight yTake M bHome yTonight Tyake Me Hbome Tyonight 6ake Ms gome 6onight 6Take Mse gHome 6Tonight T6ake Mes Hgome T6onight
gake M3 yome gonight gTake M3e yHome gTonight Tgake Me3 Hyome Tgonight rake Mf Hoome ronight rTake Mfe Hme rTonight Trake Mef Hmoe Tronight
Taake Mr Hkme Toonight Tke Mre Hkome Tnight Tkae Mer Hokme Tnoight Tzke M4 H9me Tknight Tzake M4e H9ome Tkonight Tazke Me4 Ho9me Toknight
Tqke Md H0me T9night Tqake Mde H0ome T9onight Taqke Med Ho0me To9night Tske Mw Hlme T0night Tsake Mwe Hlome T0onight Taske Mew Holme To0night
Twke Hime Tlnight Twake Hiome Tlonight Tawke Hoime Tolnight Txke Homme Tinight Txake Hoe Tionight Taxke Hoem Toinight
Takke Hoje Tonnight Tae Hojme Toight Taek Homje Toinght Tale Hoke Tomight Talke Tomnight Takle Homke Tonmight
Taoe Hone Tohight Taoke Honme Tohnight Takoe Homne Tonhight Tame Homee Tojight Tamke Hom Tojnight Takme Home Tonjight
Taje Homs Tobight Tajke Homse Tobnight Takje Homes Tonbight Taie Hom3 Toniight Taike Hom3e Tonght Takie Home3 Tongiht
Takee Homf Tonjght Tak Homfe Take Homef Tonijght Taks Homr Ton9ght Takse Homre Ton9ight Takes Homer Toni9ght
Tak3 Hom4 Tonlght Tak3e Hom4e Tonlight Take3 Home4 Tonilght Takf Homd Tonoght

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