Wall Around My Heart

Maybe this time I learn
I’ve played the fool
But I’m sick and tired of jumping hurtles
Giving with no return
What’s the use?
All I do is run in circles

On this glorious day
Brick by brick I lay
Alone here in the dark
This messed up work of art
I’m building, I’m building
Witness the construction
Of a wall around my heart

Through these tears I cry
Evidence, evidence of former sadness
Blurry are my eyes
A reservoir
Welling up from all the damage

On this glorious day
Brick by brick I lay
Alone here in the dark
This messed up work of art
I’m building, I’m building
Witness the construction
Of a wall around my heart
Oh yes I’m building
Oh darling it’s no use, you no longer can get through [x3]

On this glorious day
Brick by brick I lay
Alone here in the dark
This messed up work of art
I’m building, I’m building
Witness the construction
Of a wall around my heart

Mirror lyrics:

Of a wall around my heart
Witness the construction
I’m building, I’m building
This messed up work of art
Alone here in the dark
Brick by brick I lay
On this glorious day

Oh darling it’s no use, you no longer can get through [x3]
Oh yes I’m building
Of a wall around my heart
Witness the construction
I’m building, I’m building
This messed up work of art
Alone here in the dark
Brick by brick I lay
On this glorious day

Welling up from all the damage
A reservoir
Blurry are my eyes
Evidence, evidence of former sadness
Through these tears I cry

Of a wall around my heart
Witness the construction
I’m building, I’m building
This messed up work of art
Alone here in the dark
Brick by brick I lay
On this glorious day

All I do is run in circles
What’s the use?
Giving with no return
But I’m sick and tired of jumping hurtles
I’ve played the fool
Maybe this time I learn

Relevant Tags:
WWall AAround MMy HHeart all round y eart aWll rAound yM eHart aall zround jy jeart aWall zAround jMy jHeart Waall Azround Mjy Hjeart
3all qround ky ueart 3Wall qAround kMy uHeart W3all Aqround Mky Hueart dall sround ny neart dWall sAround nMy nHeart Wdall Asround Mny Hneart
eall wround Myy beart eWall wAround M bHeart Weall Awround My Hbeart sall xround Mg geart sWall xAround Mgy gHeart Wsall Axround Myg Hgeart
2all Arround Mh yeart 2Wall Aound Mhy yHeart W2all Aorund Myh Hyeart qall Adound M6 Heeart qWall Adround M6y Hart Wqall Ardound My6 Haert
A4ound Mu Hsart Wll A4round Muy Hseart Wlal Ar4ound Myu Hesart Wzll Agound M7 H3art Wzall Aground M7y H3eart Wazll Argound My7 He3art
Wqll Atound Mj Hfart Atround Hfeart Waqll Artound Myj Hefart Wsll A5ound Mt Hrart A5round Mty Hreart Wasll Ar5ound Myt Herart
Wwll Afound H4art Wwall Afround H4eart Wawll Arfound He4art Wxll Aeound Hdart Wxall Aeround Hdeart Waxll Areound Hedart
Walll Aroound Hwart Wal Arund Hweart Wall Aruond Hewart Wakl Arkund Heaart Wakll Arkound Hert Walkl Arokund Herat
Waol Ar9und Hezrt Waoll Ar9ound Hezart Walol Aro9und Heazrt Wapl Ar0und Heqrt Wapll Ar0ound Heqart Walpl Aro0und Heaqrt
Arlund Hesrt Arlound Arolund Heasrt Walk Ariund Hewrt

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